"text":"When it takes you… it makes you feel everything that it feels. The whole planet... [shake rate=5 level=10]writhing and breathing [/shake]and... speaking."
"text":"Just let me die."
"text":"Who’s are you? Recovery? Damn it... Don't tell my family what happened to me. "
"text":"...Or my clone. I don't want to remember. I can't remember... "
"text":"(Gravin's eyes roll back. He smiles wickedly.)"
"text":"[wave amp=50 freq=2]It's getting louder now. Can you hear it, John Stuart? Can feel the [color=red]heart?[/color][/wave]"
"text":"(You raise your scalpel and carefully harvest a flesh sample from Gravin. He hisses with pain and outrage.)"