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4 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Spencer Killen 5d3b7051a4
works 2024-01-03 14:48:01 -07:00
Spencer Killen cc792cfb1b
info 2024-01-02 10:48:00 -07:00
Spencer Killen ccf290f070
Adjust 2024-01-02 10:19:11 -07:00
Spencer Killen 56de6fefc3
Animation info 2024-01-02 10:01:05 -07:00
3 changed files with 147 additions and 127 deletions

View File

@ -9,17 +9,24 @@ use std::{
pub trait PointCache {
type Frame: Frame;
fn read(
fn read_frames(
infile: File,
) -> Result<
Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Result<<Self as PointCache>::Frame, Box<dyn Error>>>>,
Box<dyn Error>,
fn read_animation_info(infile: File) -> Result<AnimationInfo, Box<dyn Error>>;
fn map_to<F: FnMut(<Self as PointCache>::Frame) -> Result<MDDFrame, Box<dyn Error>>>(
infile: File,
outfile: File,
op: F,
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>>;
fn read(infile: File) -> Result<Animation<Self>, Box<dyn Error>> {
Ok(Animation {
frames: Self::read_frames(infile.try_clone()?)?,
info: Self::read_animation_info(infile)?,
pub trait Frame {
@ -38,6 +45,32 @@ pub struct Point {
pub z: f32,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct AnimationInfo {
pub total_frames: usize,
pub total_points: usize,
pub start_frame: usize,
pub end_frame: usize,
// MDD file format supports varying FPS , but Blender's exporter does not
// FPS is only correct if it's not varying, see individual frame times for more granularity
pub fps: f32,
pub struct EmptyAnimationError;
impl Display for EmptyAnimationError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "EmptyAnimationError")
impl Error for EmptyAnimationError {}
pub struct Animation<PC: PointCache + ?Sized> {
pub frames: Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Result<<PC>::Frame, Box<dyn Error>>>>,
pub info: AnimationInfo,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct MDDFrame {
pub frame_idx: usize,
@ -92,15 +125,18 @@ impl Error for ExaustedPointsUnexpectedly {}
impl PointCache for MDDSeekableFile {
type Frame = MDDFrame;
fn read(
fn read_frames(
mut infile: File,
) -> Result<Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Result<MDDFrame, Box<dyn Error>>>>, Box<dyn Error>> {
) -> Result<
Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Result<<Self as PointCache>::Frame, Box<dyn Error>>>>,
Box<dyn Error>,
> {
let (total_frames, total_points) = MDDSeekableFile::read_header(&mut infile)?;
let header_size: u64 = (size_of::<i32>() * 2).try_into()?;
let f32_size: u64 = size_of::<f32>().try_into()?;
let mut buff = [0u8; size_of::<f32>()];
let data = Box::new(
let frames = Box::new(
(0..((total_frames * total_points) as u64)).map::<Result<_, Box<dyn Error>>, _>(
move |count| {
let frame_idx: usize = (count / (total_points as u64)).try_into()?;
@ -131,7 +167,7 @@ impl PointCache for MDDSeekableFile {
fn map_to<F>(mut infile: File, mut outfile: File, mut op: F) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>>
@ -145,7 +181,7 @@ impl PointCache for MDDSeekableFile {
let f32_size: u64 = size_of::<f32>().try_into()?;
let mut count = 0;
for frame in Self::read(infile)? {
for frame in Self::read_frames(infile)? {
let frame = op(frame?)?;
let frame_idx: u64 = count / (total_points as u64);
let time_offset: u64 = f32_size * frame_idx;
@ -165,6 +201,32 @@ impl PointCache for MDDSeekableFile {
fn read_animation_info(mut infile: File) -> Result<AnimationInfo, Box<dyn Error>> {
let (total_frames, total_points) = Self::read_header(&mut infile)?;
let mut frames = Self::read_frames(infile)?;
let mut fps: f32 = -1.0;
let mut prev_frame =;
let start_frame = prev_frame.frame_idx;
// TODO: sometimes the time difference between frames is 0, not sure why
// Need to rely on later frames to avoid divide by zero
for next_frame in frames {
let next_frame = next_frame?;
if fps < 0.0 && (next_frame.time - prev_frame.time) > 0.0 {
fps = 1.0 / (next_frame.time - prev_frame.time);
prev_frame = next_frame;
let end_frame = prev_frame.frame_idx;
Ok(AnimationInfo {
total_frames: total_frames as usize,
total_points: total_points as usize,
pub fn add(left: usize, right: usize) -> usize {
@ -190,9 +252,25 @@ mod tests {
println!("\nReading back output.mdd");
let infile = File::open("output.mdd")?;
for frame in MDDSeekableFile::read(infile)? {
for frame in MDDSeekableFile::read_frames(infile)? {
println!("{:?}", frame);
fn animation_info() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let infile = File::open("test_cube.mdd")?;
let animation = MDDSeekableFile::read(infile)?;
AnimationInfo {
total_frames: 4,
total_points: 1,
start_frame: 0,
end_frame: 3,
fps: 24.0

View File

@ -10,87 +10,41 @@
extends SceneTree
var bundle_name := "bundle.res"
var bundle_name := "vertex_animations.scn"
var VertexAnimation = preload("")
var VertexAnimations = preload("")
func _init():
var script :=
var basenames := OS.get_cmdline_user_args()
script.source_code = make_all_headers(basenames, true)
var res: Resource =
res.basenames = basenames
var animations = = "VertexAnimations"
for basename in basenames:
add_images(res, basename)
var shader :=
for basename in basenames:
shader.code += make_shader(basename)
script.source_code = make_all_headers(basenames, false)
# Cannot use built-in scripts
# See:
script.resource_path = "res://bundle/", "res://bundle/")
res.shader = shader
res.shader.resource_name = "shader"
shader.resource_path = "res://bundle/bundle.gdshaderinc", "res://bundle/bundle.gdshaderinc", ResourceSaver.FLAG_CHANGE_PATH), "res://bundle/" + bundle_name, ResourceSaver.FLAG_CHANGE_PATH)
var packed =
packed.pack(animations), "res://" + bundle_name, ResourceSaver.FLAG_CHANGE_PATH)
# Was never added to the scene tree, must manually free
func make_all_shaders(basenames):
for basename in basenames:
func make_shader(basename: String):
var code = "\nuniform sampler2D image_" + basename + ": repeat_disable;\n"
code += "uniform sampler2D image_mask_" + basename + ": repeat_disable;\n"
code += "uniform bool enabled_" + basename + " = false;\n"
code += "uniform int start_time_" + basename + ";\n"
return code
func make_all_headers(basenames, include_setters):
var header := "extends Resource\n"
header += "@export var basenames: PackedStringArray\n"
header += "@export var shader: ShaderInclude\n"
for basename in basenames:
header += make_header(basename)
if include_setters:
header += make_setters(basename)
return header + attach_code(basenames)
func attach_code(basenames):
var code := "\nfunc attach(mat: ShaderMaterial):\n"
for basename in basenames:
code += " mat.set_shader_parameter('image_"+basename+"', image_"+basename+")\n"
code += " mat.set_shader_parameter('image_mask_"+basename+"', image_mask_"+basename+")\n"
return code
func make_header(basename: String):
var header := "@export var image_" + basename + ": Texture2D\n"
header += "@export var image_mask_" + basename + ": Texture2D\n"
return header
func make_setters(basename: String):
var body := """
func set_image_"""+basename+"""(image):\n image_""" + basename + """ = image
func set_image_mask_"""+basename+"""(image):\n image_mask_""" + basename + """ = image
return body
func add_images(res, basename: String):
func add_animation(basename: String):
var animation_info: Dictionary = JSON.parse_string( + ".json", FileAccess.READ).get_as_text())
var animation = = basename
animation.start_frame = animation_info["frame_start"]
animation.end_frame = animation_info["frame_end"]
animation.fps = animation_info["fps"]
var img :=
img.load(basename + ".exr")
var tex := ImageTexture.create_from_image(img)"set_image_"+basename, tex) = ImageTexture.create_from_image(img)
img =
img.load(basename + "_mask.exr")
tex = ImageTexture.create_from_image(img)"set_image_mask_"+basename, tex)
animation.mask = ImageTexture.create_from_image(img)
return animation

View File

@ -2,21 +2,19 @@
// First image contains index of every active vertex in the bigger image file, vertices that don't move have a value of -1 in the mask image.
// Openexr library is too complex to go off documentation alone and no projects on github using library. Seek out test cases
// TODO make images less than 16k
// Reference for outputting an image
use openexr::core::channel_list::Channel;
use openexr::core::frame_buffer::{FrameBuffer, Slice};
use openexr::core::header::Header;
use openexr::core::output_file::OutputFile;
use openexr::core::{PixelType, Compression};
use pointcache::{MDDFrame, MDDSeekableFile, Point, PointCache};
use openexr::core::{Compression, PixelType};
use pointcache::{AnimationInfo, MDDFrame, MDDSeekableFile, Point, PointCache};
use std::io::Write;
use std::{error::Error, fs::File};
pub const MAX_IMAGE_DIM: usize = 16384;
// TODO lower this once you figure out what the fuck
pub const MOVEMENT_EPSILON: f32 = 0.000000001;
fn non_color_channel() -> Channel {
@ -24,11 +22,12 @@ fn non_color_channel() -> Channel {
type_: PixelType::Float.into(),
x_sampling: 1,
y_sampling: 1,
// The docs say this is only used by a particular compression algorithm, but I don't think it hurts to have it here
p_linear: false,
// Godot doesn't seem to support Uint images, using f32 instead
// Using f32 instead of Uint to store integers because Godot does not support Uint
// Currently only using R channel, can squeeze more into 16k texture if use more channels
fn write_mask_image(
filename: &str,
@ -108,18 +107,22 @@ fn write_point_image(
// Not used because blender always starts frame frame zero so this info is useless
fn _write_animation_info(filename: &str, info: AnimationInfo) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let data = format!(
"{{ \"total_frames\": {}, \"total_points\": {}, \"start_frame\": {}, \"end_frame\": {}, \"fps\": {} }}\n",
info.total_frames, info.total_points, info.start_frame, info.end_frame, info.fps
let mut file = File::create(filename)?;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
enum PointState {
OneValue {
point_idx: usize,
point: Point,
Varying {
point: Point,
new_idx: usize,
count: usize,
OneValue { point_idx: usize, point: Point },
Varying { new_idx: usize },
use PointState::*;
impl PointState {
@ -135,6 +138,7 @@ impl PointState {
fn main() {
let basename = std::env::args()
@ -142,12 +146,12 @@ fn main() {
let mdd_filename = basename.clone() + ".mdd";
let mut mdd_file = File::open(mdd_filename).expect("Mdd filename is not valid");
let mdd_file = File::open(mdd_filename).expect("Mdd filename is not valid");
let (total_frames, total_points) = MDDSeekableFile::read_header(&mut mdd_file).unwrap();
let info = MDDSeekableFile::read_animation_info(mdd_file.try_clone().unwrap()).unwrap();
let mut mask_last: Vec<PointState> = vec![Unseen; total_points as usize];
let pc = MDDSeekableFile::read(mdd_file.try_clone().unwrap()).unwrap();
let mut mask_last: Vec<PointState> = vec![Unseen; info.total_points];
let pc = MDDSeekableFile::read_frames(mdd_file.try_clone().unwrap()).unwrap();
let mut total_varying = 0;
for frame in pc {
let MDDFrame {
@ -162,41 +166,22 @@ fn main() {
assert_eq!(old_point_idx, point_idx);
if PointState::point_changed(&point, &old_point) {
mask_last[point_idx] = Varying {
new_idx: total_varying,
count: 1,
total_varying += 1;
Varying {
point: old_point,
} => {
if PointState::point_changed(&point, &old_point) {
mask_last[point_idx] = Varying {
count: count + 1,
Varying { .. } => {}
let mask: Vec<f32> = mask_last.iter().map(PointState::mask_value).collect();
&(basename.clone() + "_mask.exr"),
total_points as usize,
write_mask_image(&(basename.clone() + "_mask.exr"), &mask, info.total_points).unwrap();
let mut pixels: Vec<Point> = Vec::with_capacity(total_varying * (total_frames as usize));
let mut pixels: Vec<Point> = Vec::with_capacity(total_varying * (info.total_frames));
let pc = MDDSeekableFile::read(mdd_file.try_clone().unwrap()).unwrap();
let pc = MDDSeekableFile::read_frames(mdd_file.try_clone().unwrap()).unwrap();
let pc: Vec<_> = pc.collect();
let max_point_idx = pc
@ -205,7 +190,7 @@ fn main() {
assert_eq!(max_point_idx + 1, total_points as usize);
assert_eq!(max_point_idx + 1, info.total_points);
let pc = pc.into_iter();
@ -220,7 +205,7 @@ fn main() {
assert!(pixels.len() == total_varying * (total_frames as usize));
assert!(pixels.len() == total_varying * (info.total_frames));
if total_varying == 0 {
eprintln!("No varying frames, not outputting .exr image");
@ -228,12 +213,15 @@ fn main() {
&(basename + ".exr"),
&(basename.clone() + ".exr"),
total_frames as usize,
println!("Total {} varying points of {} total points", total_varying, total_points);
"Total {} varying points of {} total points",
total_varying, info.total_points