dukegoobler 80d9ff93c5 animation/movement for meat creek platforms
added an animation for the platforms in meat creek to increase difficulty and add more life to map
2022-12-29 16:03:56 -07:00

33 lines
3.4 KiB

[gd_scene load_steps=4 format=2]
[ext_resource path="res://assets/models/meat_planet.glb" type="PackedScene" id=1]
[ext_resource path="res://assets/models/PlanetMaterial.material" type="Material" id=2]
[sub_resource type="Animation" id=1]
resource_name = "SphereAction"
length = 10.0
loop = true
tracks/0/type = "transform"
tracks/0/path = NodePath("Sphere")
tracks/0/interp = 1
tracks/0/loop_wrap = true
tracks/0/imported = false
tracks/0/enabled = true
tracks/0/keys = PoolRealArray( 0, 1, -0.0390858, -0.0390858, 0.0390858, -0.0206999, -0.0206999, 0.0609526, 0.997711, 1.96091, 1.96091, 1.96091, 0.0666667, 1, -0.0390858, -0.0390858, 0.0390858, -0.0205543, -0.0205543, 0.0530486, 0.998169, 1.96091, 1.96091, 1.96091, 0.666667, 1, -0.0390858, -0.0390858, 0.0390858, -0.0166952, -0.0166952, -0.136506, 0.990358, 1.96091, 1.96091, 1.96091, 1.26667, 1, -0.0390858, -0.0390858, 0.0390858, -0.0122348, -0.0122348, -0.321143, 0.946873, 1.96091, 1.96091, 1.96091, 1.86667, 1, -0.0390858, -0.0390858, 0.0390858, -0.00733364, -0.00733364, -0.494212, 0.86928, 1.96091, 1.96091, 1.96091, 2.46667, 1, -0.0390858, -0.0390858, 0.0390858, -0.00216832, -0.00216832, -0.649478, 0.760374, 1.96091, 1.96091, 1.96091, 3.06667, 1, -0.0390858, -0.0390858, 0.0390858, 0.00307511, 0.00307511, -0.78135, 0.624078, 1.96091, 1.96091, 1.96091, 3.66667, 1, -0.0390858, -0.0390858, 0.0390858, 0.00820776, 0.00820776, -0.885076, 0.465302, 1.96091, 1.96091, 1.96091, 4.26667, 1, -0.0390858, -0.0390858, 0.0390858, 0.0130448, 0.0130448, -0.95692, 0.289765, 1.96091, 1.96091, 1.96091, 4.86667, 1, -0.0390858, -0.0390858, 0.0390858, 0.0174119, 0.0174119, -0.994294, 0.103791, 1.96091, 1.96091, 1.96091, 5.2, 1, -0.0390858, -0.0390858, 0.0390858, 0.0195659, 0.0195659, -0.999617, -0.0010536, 1.96091, 1.96091, 1.96091, 5.26667, 1, -0.0390858, -0.0390858, 0.0390858, -0.0199702, -0.0199702, 0.999359, 0.021988, 1.96091, 1.96091, 1.96091, 5.86667, 1, -0.0390858, -0.0390858, 0.0390858, -0.0231947, -0.0231947, 0.977395, 0.208863, 1.96091, 1.96091, 1.96091, 6.46667, 1, -0.0390858, -0.0390858, 0.0390858, -0.0255975, -0.0255975, 0.920805, 0.388339, 1.96091, 1.96091, 1.96091, 7.06667, 1, -0.0390858, -0.0390858, 0.0390858, -0.0270935, -0.0270935, 0.831596, 0.554057, 1.96091, 1.96091, 1.96091, 7.66667, 1, -0.0390858, -0.0390858, 0.0390858, -0.0276296, -0.0276296, 0.712927, 0.700149, 1.96091, 1.96091, 1.96091, 8.26667, 1, -0.0390858, -0.0390858, 0.0390858, -0.027187, -0.027187, 0.569003, 0.821437, 1.96091, 1.96091, 1.96091, 8.86667, 1, -0.0390858, -0.0390858, 0.0390858, -0.0257813, -0.0257813, 0.40492, 0.913625, 1.96091, 1.96091, 1.96091, 9.46667, 1, -0.0390858, -0.0390858, 0.0390858, -0.0234622, -0.0234622, 0.226494, 0.973447, 1.96091, 1.96091, 1.96091, 10, 1, -0.0390858, -0.0390858, 0.0390858, -0.0206999, -0.0206999, 0.0609527, 0.997711, 1.96091, 1.96091, 1.96091 )
[node name="meat_planet" instance=ExtResource( 1 )]
[node name="Sphere" parent="." index="0"]
transform = Transform( -1.64286, -1.06404, -0.118293, 1.06867, -1.64286, -0.0642453, -0.0642453, -0.118293, 1.95629, -0.0390858, -0.0390858, 0.0390858 )
material_override = ExtResource( 2 )
material/0 = ExtResource( 2 )
[node name="AnimationPlayer" parent="." index="1"]
autoplay = "SphereAction"
playback_speed = 0.5
method_call_mode = 1
[node name="meat_planet_animation" type="AnimationPlayer" parent="." index="2"]
autoplay = "SphereAction"
playback_speed = 0.45
anims/SphereAction = SubResource( 1 )