62 lines
1.8 KiB
62 lines
1.8 KiB
extends Control
class_name DialogicBackgroundMusic
onready var _track1 := $Track1
onready var _track2 := $Track2
var current_path = ""
var current_track = null
func _ready():
$Tween.connect("tween_completed", self, "_on_Tween_tween_completed")
func crossfade_to(path: String, audio_bus:String, volume:float, fade_length: float) -> void:
# find a better solution for this
if _track1.playing and _track2.playing:
var stream: AudioStream = load(path)
var fade_out_track = _track1
var fade_in_track = _track2
if _track2.playing:
fade_out_track = _track2
fade_in_track = _track1
# setup the new track
fade_in_track.stream = stream
fade_in_track.bus = audio_bus
fade_in_track.volume_db = -60
$Tween.interpolate_property(fade_out_track, "volume_db", null, -60, fade_length, Tween.TRANS_EXPO)
$Tween.interpolate_property(fade_in_track, "volume_db", -60, volume, fade_length, Tween.TRANS_EXPO)
# in case the audio is already playing we will attempt a fade into the new one from the current position
if current_path == path:
# else just play it from the beginning
current_track = fade_in_track
current_path = path
func fade_out(fade_length:float = 1) -> void:
current_path = ""
current_track = null
$Tween.interpolate_property(_track1, "volume_db", null, -60, fade_length, Tween.TRANS_EXPO)
$Tween.interpolate_property(_track2, "volume_db", null, -60, fade_length, Tween.TRANS_EXPO)
func _on_Tween_tween_completed(object, key):
# if the stream was faded out
if object.volume_db == -60:
object.playing = false
object.stream = null
func get_current_info():
if current_track != null:
return {"file":current_path, "volume": current_track.volume_db, "audio_bus": current_track.bus}
return null