tool extends EditorProperty # The main controls for editing the property. var timelines_dropdown = var container = var edit_button = # reference to the inspector plugin var editor_inspector_plugin = null # An internal value of the property. var current_value = '' # A guard against internal changes when the property is updated. var updating = false # @Override func get_tooltip_text(): return "Click to select a Dialogic timeline.\nPress the tool button to directly switch to the editor" func _ready(): edit_button.icon = get_icon("Tools", "EditorIcons") func _init(): # setup controls timelines_dropdown.rect_min_size.x = 80 timelines_dropdown.set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL) timelines_dropdown.clip_text = true container.add_child(timelines_dropdown) container.add_child(edit_button) edit_button.flat = true edit_button.hint_tooltip = "Edit Timeline" edit_button.disabled = true # Add the container as a direct child add_child(container) # Make sure the control is able to retain the focus. add_focusable(timelines_dropdown) # Setup the initial state and connect to the signal to track changes. timelines_dropdown.connect("about_to_show", self, "_about_to_show_menu") timelines_dropdown.get_popup().connect("index_pressed", self, '_on_timeline_selected') edit_button.connect("pressed", self, "_on_editTimelineButton_pressed") func _about_to_show_menu(): # Ignore the signal if the property is currently being updated. if (updating): return # Adding timelines timelines_dropdown.get_popup().clear() var index = 0 for c in DialogicUtil.get_sorted_timeline_list(): timelines_dropdown.get_popup().add_item(c['name']) timelines_dropdown.get_popup().set_item_metadata(index, {'file': c['file'], 'color': c['color']}) index += 1 func _on_timeline_selected(index): var text = timelines_dropdown.get_popup().get_item_text(index) var metadata = timelines_dropdown.get_popup().get_item_metadata(index) current_value = metadata['file'] timelines_dropdown.text = text timelines_dropdown.hint_tooltip = text _update_edit_button(current_value) emit_changed(get_edited_property(), current_value) func _on_editTimelineButton_pressed(): if (current_value != '' and editor_inspector_plugin != null): editor_inspector_plugin.switch_to_dialogic_timeline(current_value) func update_property(): # Read the current value from the property. var new_value = get_edited_object()[get_edited_property()] _update_edit_button(new_value) if (new_value == current_value): return # Update the control with the new value. updating = true current_value = new_value # Checking for the display name timelines_dropdown.text = '' if (current_value == ''): timelines_dropdown.hint_tooltip = 'Click to select a timeline' for c in DialogicUtil.get_timeline_list(): if c['file'] == current_value: timelines_dropdown.text = c['name'] timelines_dropdown.hint_tooltip = c['name'] updating = false _update_edit_button(current_value) func _update_edit_button(value): if (value == ''): edit_button.disabled = true else: edit_button.disabled = false