tool extends Control export (bool) var enable_editing = false # needs to be corrected, if you use this on a diffrent plugin!!! export (String) var documentation_path: String = "res://addons/dialogic/Documentation" var MarkdownParser = load("res://addons/dialogic/Documentation/Nodes/").new() var current_path: String = "" var current_headings = [] onready var Content = $Content signal open_non_html_link(link, section) ################################################################################ ## PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ## ################################################################################ ## Opens a page at path PAGE_PATH ## The PAGE_PATH can be a full godot path or a path from Documentation/Content ## E.g.: ## "res://addons/thing/Documentation/Content/Tuts/" == "Tuts/welcome" ## ## The section can either be passed as a second argument or in the PAGE_PATH with # ## E.g.: "Tuts/welcome#how-to-use-the-plugin" == "Tuts/welcome", "#how-to-use-the-plugin" func load_page(page_path: String, section : String=''): Content.set('custom_styles/normal', Content.get('custom_styles/normal').content_margin_left = 15 Content.get('custom_styles/normal').content_margin_top = 15 Content.get('custom_styles/normal').content_margin_right = 15 Content.get('custom_styles/normal').content_margin_bottom = 15 var base_size = 16 Content.set('custom_fonts/normal_font/size', int(base_size * get_constant("scale", "Editor"))) Content.set('custom_fonts/bold_font/size', int(base_size * get_constant("scale", "Editor"))) #Content.set('custom_fonts/italics_font/size', int(base_size * get_constant("scale", "Editor"))) Content.set('custom_fonts/mono_font/size', int(base_size * get_constant("scale", "Editor"))) Content.set('custom_fonts/bold_italics_font/size', int(base_size * get_constant("scale", "Editor"))) # Fonts Content.set('custom_fonts/mono_font', get_font("doc_source", "EditorFonts")) Content.set('custom_fonts/bold_font', Content.get_font("doc_bold", "EditorFonts")) MarkdownParser.set_accent_colors(get_color("accent_color", "Editor"),get_color("disabled_font_color", "Editor")) # return if no path is given if page_path == '' and not section: return show() _on_Content_resized() #print("load page ", page_path) # find a section specifier at the end of the path if page_path.count("#") > 0: var result = page_path.split('#') page_path = result[0] section = '#'+result[1] # add necessary parts to the path if not page_path.begins_with("res://"): page_path = documentation_path+"/Content/"+page_path if not page_path.ends_with('.md'): page_path += ".md" # opening the file var f =,File.READ) current_path = page_path # parsing the file Content.bbcode_text = MarkdownParser.parse(f.get_as_text(), current_path, documentation_path) f.close() # saving the headings for going to sections current_headings = MarkdownParser.heading1s + MarkdownParser.heading2s + MarkdownParser.heading3s + MarkdownParser.heading4s + MarkdownParser.heading5s create_content_menu(MarkdownParser.heading1s + MarkdownParser.heading2s) # scroll to the given section if not scroll_to_section(section): Content.scroll_to_line(0) # Scroll to top of the document. This probably broke the previews "scroll to the given section" part of the code yield(get_tree(), "idle_frame") _on_Up_pressed() # looks if there is a heading similar to the given TITLE and then scrolls there func scroll_to_section(title): if not title: return # this is not really nicely done... for heading in current_headings: if (heading.to_lower().strip_edges().replace(' ', '-') == title.replace('#', '')) or \ (heading.to_lower().strip_edges() == title.to_lower().strip_edges()): var x = Content.bbcode_text.find(heading.replace('#', '').strip_edges()+"[/font]") x = Content.bbcode_text.count("\n", 0, x) Content.scroll_to_line(x) $ContentMenu/Panel.hide() return true ################################################################################ ## PRIVATE FUNCTIONS ## ################################################################################ func _ready(): $Up.icon = get_icon("ArrowUp", "EditorIcons") $Editing.visible = enable_editing # creates the conten menu func create_content_menu(headings): for child in $ContentMenu/Panel/VBox.get_children(): child.queue_free() if len(headings) < 2: $ContentMenu.hide() return $ headings.pop_front() for heading in headings: var button = button.set("custom_styles/normal", get_stylebox("sub_inspector_bg0", "Editor")) button.text = heading button.align = Button.ALIGN_LEFT button.connect("pressed", self, "content_button_pressed", [heading]) $ContentMenu/Panel/VBox.add_child(button) func content_button_pressed(heading): scroll_to_section(heading) $ContentMenu/ToggleContents.pressed = false ## When one of the links is clicked func _on_meta_clicked(meta): ## Check wether this is a real LINK if meta.begins_with("http"): # test if we can interpret this as a normal link to a docs file if meta.count("Documentation/Content") > 0: meta = meta.split("Documentation/Content")[1] # else open it with the browser else: OS.shell_open(meta) return ## Check wether it is a section if meta.begins_with("#"): # try to open it in this document scroll_to_section(meta) ## Else send a signal that the pluginmaker has to interpret else: # if the link contains a section var link = meta var section = null if meta.count("#") > 0: var split = meta.split('#') link = split[0] section = split[1] if link.begins_with('.'): link = current_path.trim_suffix(current_path.get_file()).trim_suffix("/") + link.trim_prefix(".") if not link.begins_with("res://"): link = documentation_path.plus_file('Content').plus_file(link) if not link.ends_with(".md"): link += '.md' emit_signal("open_non_html_link", link, section) func _on_EditPage_pressed(): var x =, File.READ) OS.shell_open(x.get_path_absolute()) func _on_RefreshPage_pressed(): load_page(current_path) func _on_Up_pressed(): Content.scroll_to_line(0) func _on_ToggleContents_toggled(button_pressed): $ContentMenu/Panel.visible = button_pressed func toggle_editing(): enable_editing = !enable_editing $Editing.visible = enable_editing func _on_Content_resized(): if not Content: return if Content.rect_size.x < 500: Content.get('custom_styles/normal').content_margin_left = 15 Content.get('custom_styles/normal').content_margin_right = 15 else: Content.get('custom_styles/normal').content_margin_left = (Content.rect_size.x-500)/4 Content.get('custom_styles/normal').content_margin_right = (Content.rect_size.x-500)/3 Content.update()