tool extends Node class_name DialogicCustomEvents # references to the nodes with the handler script # to be used later by the "event_handler" # keys: event_id # values: reference to handler node. var handlers : = {} ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Loops through the custom events folder and creates a handler node ## for every custom event. ## ## To handle a custom event simply check if the event_id is in the handlers dicionary keys, ## then get the value (which is the handler node) to call its hadler function func update() -> void: var path : String = DialogicResources.get_working_directories()["CUSTOM_EVENTS_DIR"] var dir = if == OK: dir.list_dir_begin() var file_name = dir.get_next() # goes through all the folders in the custom events folder while file_name != "": # if it found a folder if dir.current_is_dir() and not file_name in ['.', '..']: # look through that folder #print("Found custom event folder: " + file_name) var event = load(path.plus_file(file_name).plus_file('EventBlock.tscn')).instance() if event: var handler_script_path = path.plus_file(file_name).plus_file('event_'+event.event_data['event_id']+'.gd') var event_id = event.event_data['event_id'] var event_name = event.event_name # not necesary, we now have the data in the handlers dict #custom_events[event.event_data['event_id']] = { # 'event_script' : handler_script_path, # 'event_name' : event.event_name, #} # Check if we already have a handler node for this event. if handlers.has(event_id): #print("Custom event ",event_id," already loaded") #print("Continuing...") file_name = dir.get_next() continue else: #print("No handler node for event ",event_id," found.") #print("Creating...") # create a node for the custom event an attach the script var handler = handler.set_script(load(handler_script_path)) handler.set_name(event_name) # not really necessary, but just in case handler.set_meta("event_id",event_id) #add data to dictionary handlers[event_id] = handler #add node as a child of this self.add_child(handler) event.queue_free() else: print("[D] An error occurred when trying to access a custom event.") else: pass # files in the directory are ignored file_name = dir.get_next() else: print("[D] An error occurred when trying to access the custom event folder.")