tool class_name DialogicUtil ## This class is used by the DialogicEditor ## For example by the Editors (Timeline, Character, Theme), the MasterTree and the EventParts static func list_to_dict(list): var dict := {} for val in list: dict[val["file"]] = val return dict ## ***************************************************************************** ## CHARACTERS ## ***************************************************************************** static func get_character_list() -> Array: var characters: Array = [] for file in DialogicResources.listdir(DialogicResources.get_path('CHAR_DIR')): if '.json' in file: var data: Dictionary = DialogicResources.get_character_json(file) characters.append({ 'name': data.get('name', data['id']), 'color': Color(data.get('color', "#ffffff")), 'file': file, 'portraits': data.get('portraits', []), 'display_name': data.get('display_name', ''), 'nickname': data.get('nickname', ''), 'data': data # This should be the only thing passed... not sure what I was thinking }) return characters static func get_characters_dict(): return list_to_dict(get_character_list()) static func get_sorted_character_list(): var array = get_character_list() array.sort_custom(DialgicSorter, 'sort_resources') return array # helper that allows to get a character by file static func get_character(character_id): var characters = get_character_list() for c in characters: if c['file'] == character_id: return c return {} ## ***************************************************************************** ## TIMELINES ## ***************************************************************************** static func get_timeline_list() -> Array: var timelines: Array = [] for file in DialogicResources.listdir(DialogicResources.get_path('TIMELINE_DIR')): if '.json' in file: # TODO check for real .json because if .json is in the middle of the sentence it still thinks it is a timeline var data = DialogicResources.get_timeline_json(file) if data.has('error') == false: if data.has('metadata'): var metadata = data['metadata'] var color = Color("#ffffff") if metadata.has('name'): timelines.append({'name':metadata['name'], 'color': color, 'file': file }) else: timelines.append({'name':file.split('.')[0], 'color': color, 'file': file }) return timelines # returns a dictionary with file_names as keys and metadata as values static func get_timeline_dict() -> Dictionary: return list_to_dict(get_timeline_list()) static func get_sorted_timeline_list(): var array = get_timeline_list() array.sort_custom(DialgicSorter, 'sort_resources') return array ## ***************************************************************************** ## THEMES ## ***************************************************************************** static func get_theme_list() -> Array: var themes: Array = [] for file in DialogicResources.listdir(DialogicResources.get_path('THEME_DIR')): if '.cfg' in file: var config = DialogicResources.get_theme_config(file) themes.append({ 'file': file, 'name': config.get_value('settings','name', file), 'config': config }) return themes # returns a dictionary with file_names as keys and metadata as values static func get_theme_dict() -> Dictionary: return list_to_dict(get_theme_list()) static func get_sorted_theme_list(): var array = get_theme_list() array.sort_custom(DialgicSorter, 'sort_resources') return array ## ***************************************************************************** ## DEFINITIONS ## ***************************************************************************** static func get_default_definitions_list() -> Array: return DialogicDefinitionsUtil.definitions_json_to_array(DialogicResources.get_default_definitions()) static func get_default_definitions_dict(): var dict = {} for val in get_default_definitions_list(): dict[val['id']] = val return dict static func get_sorted_default_definitions_list(): var array = get_default_definitions_list() array.sort_custom(DialgicSorter, 'sort_resources') return array # returns the result of the given dialogic comparison static func compare_definitions(def_value: String, event_value: String, condition: String): var definitions if not Engine.is_editor_hint(): if Engine.get_main_loop().has_meta('definitions'): definitions = Engine.get_main_loop().get_meta('definitions') else: definitions = DialogicResources.get_default_definitions() Engine.get_main_loop().set_meta('definitions', definitions) else: definitions = DialogicResources.get_default_definitions() var condition_met = false if def_value != null and event_value != null: # check if event_value equals a definition name and use that instead for d in definitions['variables']: if (d['name'] != '' and d['name'] == event_value): event_value = d['value'] break; var converted_def_value = def_value var converted_event_value = event_value if def_value.is_valid_float() and event_value.is_valid_float(): converted_def_value = float(def_value) converted_event_value = float(event_value) if condition == '': condition = '==' # The default condition is Equal to match condition: "==": condition_met = converted_def_value == converted_event_value "!=": condition_met = converted_def_value != converted_event_value ">": condition_met = converted_def_value > converted_event_value ">=": condition_met = converted_def_value >= converted_event_value "<": condition_met = converted_def_value < converted_event_value "<=": condition_met = converted_def_value <= converted_event_value return condition_met ## ***************************************************************************** ## RESOURCE FOLDER MANAGEMENT ## ***************************************************************************** # The MasterTree uses a "fake" folder structure ## PATH FUNCTIONS # removes the last thing from a path static func get_parent_path(path: String): return path.replace("/"+path.split("/")[-1], "") ## GETTERS # returns the full resource structure static func get_full_resource_folder_structure(): return DialogicResources.get_resource_folder_structure() static func get_timelines_folder_structure(): return get_folder_at_path("Timelines") static func get_characters_folder_structure(): return get_folder_at_path("Characters") static func get_definitions_folder_structure(): return get_folder_at_path("Definitions") static func get_theme_folder_structure(): return get_folder_at_path("Themes") # this gets the content of the folder at a path # a path consists of the foldernames divided by '/' static func get_folder_at_path(path): var folder_data = get_full_resource_folder_structure() for folder in path.split("/"): if folder: folder_data = folder_data['folders'][folder] if folder_data == null: folder_data = {"folders":{}, "files":[]} return folder_data ## SETTERS static func set_folder_content_recursive(path_array: Array, orig_data: Dictionary, new_data: Dictionary) -> Dictionary: if len(path_array) == 1: if path_array[0] in orig_data['folders'].keys(): if new_data.empty(): orig_data['folders'].erase(path_array[0]) else: orig_data["folders"][path_array[0]] = new_data else: var current_folder = path_array.pop_front() orig_data["folders"][current_folder] = set_folder_content_recursive(path_array, orig_data["folders"][current_folder], new_data) return orig_data static func set_folder_at_path(path: String, data:Dictionary): var orig_structure = get_full_resource_folder_structure() var new_data = set_folder_content_recursive(path.split("/"), orig_structure, data) DialogicResources.save_resource_folder_structure(new_data) return OK ## FOLDER METADATA static func set_folder_meta(folder_path: String, key:String, value): var data = get_folder_at_path(folder_path) data['metadata'][key] = value set_folder_at_path(folder_path, data) static func get_folder_meta(folder_path: String, key:String): return get_folder_at_path(folder_path)['metadata'][key] ## FOLDER FUNCTIONS static func add_folder(path:String, folder_name:String): # check if the name is allowed if folder_name in get_folder_at_path(path)['folders'].keys(): print("[D] A folder with the name '"+folder_name+"' already exists in the target folder '"+path+"'.") return ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS var folder_data = get_folder_at_path(path) folder_data['folders'][folder_name] = {"folders":{}, "files":[], 'metadata':{'color':null, 'folded':false}} set_folder_at_path(path, folder_data) return OK static func remove_folder(folder_path:String, delete_files:bool = true): #print("[D] Removing 'Folder' "+folder_path) for folder in get_folder_at_path(folder_path)['folders']: remove_folder(folder_path+"/"+folder, delete_files) if delete_files: for file in get_folder_at_path(folder_path)['files']: #print("[D] Removing file ", file) match folder_path.split("/")[0]: 'Timelines': DialogicResources.delete_timeline(file) 'Characters': DialogicResources.delete_character(file) 'Definitions': DialogicResources.delete_default_definition(file) 'Themes': DialogicResources.delete_theme(file) set_folder_at_path(folder_path, {}) static func rename_folder(path:String, new_folder_name:String): # check if the name is allowed if new_folder_name in get_folder_at_path(get_parent_path(path))['folders'].keys(): print("[D] A folder with the name '"+new_folder_name+"' already exists in the target folder '"+get_parent_path(path)+"'.") return ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS elif new_folder_name.empty(): return ERR_PRINTER_ON_FIRE # save the content var folder_content = get_folder_at_path(path) # remove the old folder BUT NOT THE FILES !!!!! remove_folder(path, false) # add the new folder add_folder(get_parent_path(path), new_folder_name) var new_path = get_parent_path(path)+ "/"+new_folder_name set_folder_at_path(new_path, folder_content) return OK static func move_folder_to_folder(orig_path, target_folder): # check if the name is allowed if orig_path.split("/")[-1] in get_folder_at_path(target_folder)['folders'].keys(): print("[D] A folder with the name '"+orig_path.split("/")[-1]+"' already exists in the target folder '"+target_folder+"'.") return ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS # save the content var folder_content = get_folder_at_path(orig_path) # remove the old folder BUT DON'T DELETE THE FILES!!!!!!!!!!! # took me ages to find this when I forgot it.. remove_folder(orig_path, false) # add the new folder var folder_name = orig_path.split("/")[-1] add_folder(target_folder, folder_name) var new_path = target_folder+ "/"+folder_name set_folder_at_path(new_path, folder_content) return OK ## FILE FUNCTIONS static func move_file_to_folder(file_name, orig_folder, target_folder): remove_file_from_folder(orig_folder, file_name) add_file_to_folder(target_folder, file_name) static func add_file_to_folder(folder_path, file_name): var folder_data = get_folder_at_path(folder_path) folder_data["files"].append(file_name) set_folder_at_path(folder_path, folder_data) static func remove_file_from_folder(folder_path, file_name): var folder_data = get_folder_at_path(folder_path) folder_data["files"].erase(file_name) set_folder_at_path(folder_path, folder_data) ## STRUCTURE UPDATES #should be called when files got deleted and on program start static func update_resource_folder_structure(): var character_files = DialogicResources.listdir(DialogicResources.get_path('CHAR_DIR')) var timeline_files = DialogicResources.listdir(DialogicResources.get_path('TIMELINE_DIR')) var theme_files = DialogicResources.listdir(DialogicResources.get_path('THEME_DIR')) var definition_files = get_default_definitions_dict().keys() var folder_structure = DialogicResources.get_resource_folder_structure() folder_structure['folders']['Timelines'] = check_folders_section(folder_structure['folders']['Timelines'], timeline_files) folder_structure['folders']['Characters'] = check_folders_section(folder_structure['folders']['Characters'], character_files) folder_structure['folders']['Themes'] = check_folders_section(folder_structure['folders']['Themes'], theme_files) folder_structure['folders']['Definitions'] = check_folders_section(folder_structure['folders']['Definitions'], definition_files) DialogicResources.save_resource_folder_structure(folder_structure) # calls the check_folders_recursive static func check_folders_section(section_structure: Dictionary, section_files:Array): var result = check_folders_recursive(section_structure, section_files) section_structure = result[0] section_structure['files'] += result[1] return section_structure static func check_folders_recursive(folder_data: Dictionary, file_names:Array): if not folder_data.has('metadata'): folder_data['metadata'] = {'color':null, 'folded':false} for folder in folder_data['folders'].keys(): var result = check_folders_recursive(folder_data["folders"][folder], file_names) folder_data['folders'][folder] = result[0] file_names = result[1] for file in folder_data['files']: if not file in file_names: folder_data["files"].erase(file) #print("[D] The file ", file, " was deleted!") else: file_names.erase(file) return [folder_data, file_names] static func beautify_filename(animation_name: String) -> String: if animation_name == '[Default]' or animation_name == '[No Animation]': return animation_name var a_string = animation_name.get_file().trim_suffix('.gd') if '-' in a_string: a_string = a_string.split('-')[1].capitalize() else: a_string = a_string.capitalize() return a_string ## ***************************************************************************** ## USEFUL FUNCTIONS ## ***************************************************************************** static func generate_random_id() -> String: return str(OS.get_unix_time()) + '-' + str(100 + randi()%899+1) static func compare_dicts(dict_1: Dictionary, dict_2: Dictionary) -> bool: # I tried using the .hash() function but it was returning different numbers # even when the dictionary was exactly the same. if str(dict_1) != "Null" and str(dict_2) != "Null": if str(dict_1) == str(dict_2): return true return false static func path_fixer_load(path): # This function was added because some of the default assets shipped with # Dialogic 1.0 were moved for version 1.1. If by any chance they still # Use those resources, we redirect the paths from the old place to the new # ones. This can be safely removed and replace all instances of # DialogicUtil.path_fixer_load(x) with just load(x) on version 2.0 # since we will break compatibility. match path: 'res://addons/dialogic/Fonts/DefaultFont.tres': return load("res://addons/dialogic/Example Assets/Fonts/DefaultFont.tres") 'res://addons/dialogic/Fonts/GlossaryFont.tres': return load('res://addons/dialogic/Example Assets/Fonts/GlossaryFont.tres') 'res://addons/dialogic/Images/background/background-1.png': return load('res://addons/dialogic/Example Assets/backgrounds/background-1.png') 'res://addons/dialogic/Images/background/background-2.png': return load('res://addons/dialogic/Example Assets/backgrounds/background-2.png') 'res://addons/dialogic/Images/next-indicator.png': return load('res://addons/dialogic/Example Assets/next-indicator/next-indicator.png') return load(path) # This function contains necessary updates. # This should be deleted in 2.0 static func resource_fixer(): var update_index = DialogicResources.get_settings_config().get_value("updates", "updatenumber", 0) if update_index < 1: print("[D] Update NR. "+str(update_index)+" | Adds event ids. Don't worry about this.") for timeline_info in get_timeline_list(): var timeline = DialogicResources.get_timeline_json(timeline_info['file']) var events = timeline["events"] for i in events: if not i.has("event_id"): match i: # MAIN EVENTS # Text event {'text', 'character', 'portrait'}: i['event_id'] = 'dialogic_001' # Join event {'character', 'action', 'position', 'portrait',..}: i['event_id'] = 'dialogic_002' # Character Leave event {'character', 'action'}: i['event_id'] = 'dialogic_003' # LOGIC EVENTS # Question event {'question', 'options', ..}: i['event_id'] = 'dialogic_010' # Choice event {'choice', ..}: i['event_id'] = 'dialogic_011' # Condition event {'condition', 'definition', 'value'}: i['event_id'] = 'dialogic_012' # End Branch event {'endbranch'}: i['event_id'] = 'dialogic_013' # Set Value event {'set_value', 'definition', ..}: i['event_id'] = 'dialogic_014' # TIMELINE EVENTS # Change Timeline event {'change_timeline'}: i['event_id'] = 'dialogic_020' # Change Backround event {'background'}: i['event_id'] = 'dialogic_021' # Close Dialog event {'close_dialog', ..}: i['event_id'] = 'dialogic_022' # Wait seconds event {'wait_seconds'}: i['event_id'] = 'dialogic_023' # Set Theme event {'set_theme'}: i['event_id'] = 'dialogic_024' # AUDIO EVENTS # Audio event {'audio', 'file', ..}: i['event_id'] = 'dialogic_030' # Background Music event {'background-music', 'file', ..}: i['event_id'] = 'dialogic_031' # GODOT EVENTS # Emit signal event {'emit_signal'}: i['event_id'] = 'dialogic_040' # Change Scene event {'change_scene'}: i['event_id'] = 'dialogic_041' # Call Node event {'call_node'}: i['event_id'] = 'dialogic_042' # No Skip event {'block_input'}: i['event_id'] = 'dialogic_050' timeline['events'] = events DialogicResources.set_timeline(timeline) if update_index < 2: # Updates the text alignment to be saved as int like all anchors print("[D] Update NR. "+str(update_index)+" | Changes how some theme values are saved. No need to worry about this.") for theme_info in get_theme_list(): var theme = DialogicResources.get_theme_config(theme_info['file']) match theme.get_value('text', 'alignment', 'Left'): 'Left': DialogicResources.set_theme_value(theme_info['file'], 'text', 'alignment', 0) 'Center': DialogicResources.set_theme_value(theme_info['file'], 'text', 'alignment', 1) 'Right': DialogicResources.set_theme_value(theme_info['file'], 'text', 'alignment', 2) if update_index < 3: # Character Join and Character Leave have been unified to a new Character event print("[D] Update NR. "+str(update_index)+" | Removes Character Join and Character Leave events in favor of the new 'Character' event. No need to worry about this.") for timeline_info in get_timeline_list(): var timeline = DialogicResources.get_timeline_json(timeline_info['file']) var events = timeline["events"] for i in range(len(events)): if events[i]['event_id'] == 'dialogic_002': var new_event = { 'event_id':'dialogic_002', 'type':0, 'character':events[i].get('character', ''), 'portrait':events[i].get('portrait','Default'), 'position':events[i].get('position'), 'animation':'[Default]', 'animation_length':0.5, 'mirror_portrait':events[i].get('mirror', false), 'z_index': events[i].get('z_index', 0), } if new_event['portrait'].empty(): new_event['portrait'] = 'Default' events[i] = new_event elif events[i]['event_id'] == 'dialogic_003': var new_event = { 'event_id':'dialogic_002', 'type':1, 'character':events[i].get('character', ''), 'animation':'[Default]', 'animation_length':0.5, 'mirror_portrait':events[i].get('mirror', false), 'z_index':events[i].get('z_index', 0), } events[i] = new_event timeline['events'] = events DialogicResources.set_timeline(timeline) DialogicResources.set_settings_value("updates", "updatenumber", 3) if !ProjectSettings.has_setting('input/dialogic_default_action'): print("[D] Added the 'dialogic_default_action' to the InputMap. This is the default if you didn't select a different one in the dialogic settings. You will have to force the InputMap editor to update before you can see the action (reload project or add a new input action).") var input_enter = input_enter.scancode = KEY_ENTER var input_left_click = input_left_click.button_index = BUTTON_LEFT input_left_click.pressed = true var input_space = input_space.scancode = KEY_SPACE var input_x = input_x.scancode = KEY_X var input_controller = input_controller.button_index = JOY_BUTTON_0 ProjectSettings.set_setting('input/dialogic_default_action', {'deadzone':0.5, 'events':[input_enter, input_left_click, input_space, input_x, input_controller]}) if DialogicResources.get_settings_value('input', 'default_action_key', '[Default]') == '[Default]': DialogicResources.set_settings_value('input', 'default_action_key', 'dialogic_default_action') static func get_editor_scale(ref) -> float: # There hasn't been a proper way of reliably getting the editor scale # so this function aims at fixing that by identifying what the scale is and # returning a value to use as a multiplier for manual UI tweaks # The way of getting the scale could change, but this is the most reliable # solution I could find that works in many different computer/monitors. var _scale = ref.get_constant("inspector_margin", "Editor") _scale = _scale * 0.125 return _scale static func list_dir(path: String) -> Array: var files = [] var dir = dir.list_dir_begin(true) var file = dir.get_next() while file != '': files += [file] file = dir.get_next() return files ## ***************************************************************************** ## DIALOGIC_SORTER CLASS ## ***************************************************************************** # This class is only used by this script to sort the resource lists class DialgicSorter: static func key_available(key, a: Dictionary) -> bool: return key in a.keys() and not a[key].empty() static func get_compare_value(a: Dictionary) -> String: if key_available('display_name', a): return a['display_name'] if key_available('name', a): return a['name'] if key_available('id', a): return a['id'] if 'metadata' in a.keys(): var a_metadata = a['metadata'] if key_available('name', a_metadata): return a_metadata['name'] if key_available('file', a_metadata): return a_metadata['file'] return '' static func sort_resources(a: Dictionary, b: Dictionary): return get_compare_value(a).to_lower() < get_compare_value(b).to_lower()