{ "events": [ { "audio": "play", "audio_bus": "Master", "event_id": "dialogic_030", "event_name": "AudioEvent", "file": "res://assets/audio/neural_scanner_sfx.wav", "volume": -5 }, { "character": "", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "(Your neural scanner blinks. IDENTITY: JACKIE VOSS. AGE: 42. CONDITION: UNKNOWN)" }, { "character": "character-1667667711.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "[wave amp=50 freq=2]John Stuart, you have returned[/wave]" }, { "character": "character-1667667711.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "(Voss grins an impossibly wide smile)" }, { "character": "character-1667667711.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "[wave amp=50 freq=2]Come closer, John. Can you hear it? The [color=red]heart[/color] is near... We are within it. It is all around us[/wave]" }, { "character": "character-1667667711.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "(She screams in agony as the tendrils of meat wrapped around her dig deeper into her flesh)" }, { "event_id": "dialogic_015", "id": "anchor-1634488067", "index": 0, "name": "voss_questions" }, { "character": "character-1667667711.json", "event_id": "dialogic_010", "options": [ ], "portrait": "", "question": "[wave amp=50 freq=2]Step forward and accept our undying love, John. You cannot resist[/wave]" }, { "choice": "What happened to you?", "condition": "", "definition": "", "event_id": "dialogic_011", "value": "" }, { "character": "character-1667667711.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "[wave amp=50 freq=2]I stopped fighting. Can’t you see that resisting Ceres is pointless?[/wave]" }, { "character": "character-1667667711.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "[wave amp=50 freq=2]She knows us. She knew me from the moment I was born in the slum blocks to the moment we first embrace[/wave]" }, { "character": "character-1667667711.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "[wave amp=50 freq=2]This is where we belong. She is calling us home. We’ve been playing recklessly. Playing among the stars too soon[/wave]" }, { "character": "character-1667667711.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "[wave amp=50 freq=2]But still she will reward us with her embrace. She will hold us and feed us until we are ready to begin again[/wave] " }, { "character": "character-1667667711.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "[wave amp=50 freq=2]Join us. You only prolong the inevitable now[/wave]" }, { "character": "character-1667667711.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "[wave amp=50 freq=2]You wouldn’t want to anger Mother, would you John?[/wave]" }, { "anchor_id": "anchor-1634488067", "event_id": "dialogic_016" }, { "choice": "Why would I help you?", "condition": "", "definition": "", "event_id": "dialogic_011", "value": "" }, { "character": "character-1667667711.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "[wave amp=50 freq=2]Because together we can bring humanity home. We can stop suffering and accept our density[/wave]" }, { "character": "character-1667667711.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "[wave amp=50 freq=2]The being you call Ceres seeded life on Earth. When she was young, she planted us[/wave]" }, { "character": "character-1667667711.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "[wave amp=50 freq=2]She has been waiting for us to grow longer than you can imagine. She needs us just as we need her[/wave]" }, { "character": "character-1667667711.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "[wave amp=50 freq=2]And now we have woken her with our constant noise. She is angry John and she cannot be stopped. We are less than insects to her[/wave]" }, { "character": "character-1667667711.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "[wave amp=50 freq=2]We woke her before we were ready. We could have pleased her if we had waited. But we were hungry... so hungry[/wave]" }, { "character": "character-1667667711.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "[wave amp=50 freq=2]It is too late now. And so to her we must return. We must feed our mother[/wave]" }, { "character": "character-1667667711.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "[wave amp=50 freq=2]It is wonderful, John. We see with a thousand eyes and feel with ten thousand fingers. Pain and pleasure, indivisible. Let us hold you, John[/wave]" }, { "character": "character-1667667711.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "[wave amp=50 freq=2]Won’t you join us? Won’t you make Mother happy?[/wave]" }, { "anchor_id": "anchor-1634488067", "event_id": "dialogic_016" }, { "choice": "Listen further", "condition": "", "definition": "", "event_id": "dialogic_011", "value": "" }, { "event_id": "dialogic_013" }, { "character": "character-1667667711.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "[shake rate=5 level=10]We love you. We give to you our own flesh. We are your destiny. You all will join us[/shake]" }, { "character": "character-1667667711.json", "event_id": "dialogic_010", "options": [ ], "portrait": "", "question": "[wave amp=50 freq=2]Now the choice is yours Stuart. Will you delay the inevitable?[/wave]" }, { "choice": "Kill her", "condition": "", "definition": "", "event_id": "dialogic_011", "value": "" }, { "character": "character-1667667711.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "(You move forward to destroy what is left of Voss. The meat roils and shakes as you finish the job)" }, { "emit_signal": "jackie_die", "event_id": "dialogic_040" }, { "character": "character-1667667711.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "(Voss's lifeless body becomes one with the meat as it boils and writhes with rage) " }, { "definition": "1667711785-428", "event_id": "dialogic_014", "operation": "=", "random_upper_limit": 100, "set_random": false, "set_value": "true" }, { "change_scene": "", "event_id": "dialogic_041" }, { "event_id": "dialogic_022", "transition_duration": 3 }, { "choice": "Join her", "condition": "", "definition": "", "event_id": "dialogic_011", "value": "" }, { "character": "", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "(You feel pounding inside your head. Your senses dull until you can only feel Voss's voice)" }, { "character": "character-1667667711.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "[shake rate=5 level=10]This time you understand me, don't you John. Your body has been here but your mind has forgotten[/shake] " }, { "character": "character-1667667711.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "[shake rate=5 level=10]The crew of the DSV-Provender have become our first angels in temple of flesh [/shake]" }, { "character": "character-1667667711.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "[shake rate=5 level=10]And you, John Stuart. You will be our messenger. Return to the homeworld and spread the seeds you have gathered from us[/shake]" }, { "character": "character-1667667711.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "[shake rate=5 level=10]There we will multiply. We will make the homeworld see our way[/shake]" }, { "definition": "1667770005-207", "event_id": "dialogic_014", "operation": "=", "random_upper_limit": 100, "set_random": false, "set_value": "true" }, { "change_scene": "", "event_id": "dialogic_041" }, { "event_id": "dialogic_022", "transition_duration": 3 }, { "event_id": "dialogic_013" } ], "metadata": { "dialogic-version": "1.4.5", "file": "timeline-1667671061.json", "name": "jackie" } }