tool extends Control export(PackedScene) var HistoryRow = load("res://addons/dialogic/Example Assets/History/HistoryRow.tscn") export(PackedScene) var HistoryDefaultBackground = load("res://addons/dialogic/Example Assets/History/HistoryBackground.tscn") export(PackedScene) var HistoryOpenButton = load("res://addons/dialogic/Example Assets/History/HistoryButton.tscn") export(PackedScene) var HistoryCloseButton = load("res://addons/dialogic/Example Assets/History/HistoryButton.tscn") export(int) var Vertical_Separation = 16 onready var HistoryTimeline = $HistoryPopup/ScrollHistoryContainer/MarginContainer/HistoryTimeline onready var scrollbar = $HistoryPopup/ScrollHistoryContainer.get_v_scrollbar() onready var ScrollHistoryContainer = $HistoryPopup/ScrollHistoryContainer onready var HistoryPopup = $HistoryPopup onready var HistoryAudio = $HistoryPopup/HistoryAudio var HistoryButton var CloseButton var HistoryBackground var is_history_open = false var is_mouse_on_button = false var block_dialog_advance = false setget , history_advance_block var lastQuestionNode = null var curTheme = null var prevState var eventsToLog = ['dialogic_001', 'dialogic_010'] var logArrivals = false var logExits = false var scrollToBottom = true var reverseTimeline = false var characterNameColorOn = true var lineBreakAfterName = true var scrollToggle = false func _ready(): var testHistoryRow = HistoryRow.instance() assert(testHistoryRow.has_method('add_history'), 'HistoryRow Scene must implement add_history(string, string) method.') testHistoryRow.queue_free() HistoryBackground = HistoryDefaultBackground.instance() HistoryPopup.add_child(HistoryBackground) HistoryPopup.move_child(HistoryBackground, 0) #Scrollbar only updates when visible, so need it to be handled scrollbar.connect("changed",self,"handle_scrollbar_changed") func handle_scrollbar_changed(): #It's firing every frame, we only want to check it once on opening if(scrollToggle): scrollToggle = false if (scrollToBottom): ScrollHistoryContainer.scroll_vertical = scrollbar.max_value else: ScrollHistoryContainer.scroll_vertical = 0 func initalize_history(): if get_parent().settings.get_value('history', 'enable_open_button', true): HistoryButton = HistoryOpenButton.instance() add_child(HistoryButton) HistoryButton.connect("pressed", self, '_on_toggle_history') HistoryButton.connect("mouse_entered", self, '_on_HistoryButton_mouse_entered') HistoryButton.connect("mouse_exited", self, '_on_HistoryButton_mouse_exited') HistoryButton.disabled = false if get_parent().settings.get_value('history', 'enable_close_button', true): CloseButton = HistoryCloseButton.instance() add_child(CloseButton) CloseButton.connect("pressed", self, '_on_toggle_history') CloseButton.disabled = true CloseButton.hide() # See if we're logging arrivals and exits logArrivals = get_parent().settings.get_value('history', 'log_arrivals', true) logExits = get_parent().settings.get_value('history', 'log_exits', true) if logExits or logArrivals: eventsToLog.push_back('dialogic_002') # Set the other selectable settings options scrollToBottom = get_parent().settings.get_value('history', 'history_scroll_to_bottom', true) reverseTimeline = get_parent().settings.get_value('history', 'history_reverse_timeline', false) characterNameColorOn = get_parent().settings.get_value('history', 'history_name_color_on', true) lineBreakAfterName = get_parent().settings.get_value('history', 'history_break_after_name', false) # Grab some settings and make the boxes up right var button_anchor = int(get_parent().settings.get_value('history', 'history_button_position', 2)) var screen_margin_x = get_parent().settings.get_value('history', 'history_screen_margin_x', 0) var screen_margin_y = get_parent().settings.get_value('history', 'history_screen_margin_y', 0) var container_margin_X = get_parent().settings.get_value('history', 'history_container_margin_x', 0) var container_margin_y = get_parent().settings.get_value('history', 'history_container_margin_y', 0) HistoryPopup.margin_left = screen_margin_x HistoryPopup.margin_right = -screen_margin_x HistoryPopup.margin_top = screen_margin_y HistoryPopup.margin_bottom = -screen_margin_y ScrollHistoryContainer.margin_left = container_margin_X ScrollHistoryContainer.margin_right = -container_margin_X ScrollHistoryContainer.margin_top = container_margin_y ScrollHistoryContainer.margin_bottom = -container_margin_y for button in [HistoryButton, CloseButton]: if button == null: continue var reference = button.get_parent().rect_size # Adding audio when focused or hovered button.connect('focus_entered', get_parent(), '_on_option_hovered', [button]) button.connect('mouse_entered', get_parent(), '_on_option_focused') # Button positioning var anchor_values = [0,0,1,1] var position_offset = Vector2(0,0) # Top Left if button_anchor == 0: anchor_values = [0, 0, 0, 0] position_offset.x = 0 position_offset.y = 0 # Top Center elif button_anchor == 1: anchor_values = [.5, 0, .5, 0] position_offset.x = reference.x/2 - button.rect_size.x position_offset.y = 0 # Top Right elif button_anchor == 2: anchor_values = [1, 0, 1, 0] position_offset.x = reference.x - button.rect_size.x position_offset.y = 0 # 3 - Number skip because of the separator # Center Left elif button_anchor == 4: anchor_values = [0, .5, 0, .5] position_offset.x = 0 position_offset.y = reference.y/2 - button.rect_size.y # True Center elif button_anchor == 5: anchor_values = [.5, .5, .5, .5] position_offset.x = reference.x/2 - button.rect_size.x position_offset.y = reference.y/2 - button.rect_size.y # Center Right elif button_anchor == 6: anchor_values = [1, .5, 1, .5] position_offset.x = reference.x - button.rect_size.x position_offset.y = reference.y/2 - button.rect_size.y # Number skip because of the separator elif button_anchor == 8: anchor_values = [0, 1, 0, 1] position_offset.x = 0 position_offset.y = reference.y - button.rect_size.y elif button_anchor == 9: anchor_values = [.5, 1, .5, 1] position_offset.x = reference.x/2 - button.rect_size.x position_offset.y = reference.y - button.rect_size.y elif button_anchor == 10: anchor_values = [1, 1, 1, 1] position_offset.x = reference.x - button.rect_size.x position_offset.y = reference.y - button.rect_size.y button.anchor_left = anchor_values[0] button.anchor_top = anchor_values[1] button.anchor_right = anchor_values[2] button.anchor_bottom = anchor_values[3] button.rect_global_position = button.get_parent().rect_global_position + position_offset # Add history based on the passed event, using some logic to get it right func add_history_row_event(eventData): # Abort if we aren't logging the event, or if its a character event of type update if !eventsToLog.has(eventData.event_id) or (eventData.event_id == 'dialogic_002' and eventData.get('type') == 2 ): return # Abort if we aren't logging arrivals and its a character event of type arrival if eventData.event_id == 'dialogic_002' and eventData.get('type') == 0 and !logArrivals: return # Abort if we aren't logging exits and its a character event of type exit if eventData.event_id == 'dialogic_002' and eventData.get('type') == 1 and !logExits: return var newHistoryRow = HistoryRow.instance() HistoryTimeline.add_child(newHistoryRow) if(reverseTimeline): HistoryTimeline.move_child(newHistoryRow,0) if newHistoryRow.has_method('load_theme') and get_parent().settings.get_value('history', 'enable_dynamic_theme', false) == true: newHistoryRow.load_theme(curTheme) var characterPrefix = '' if eventData.has('character') and eventData.character != '': var characterData = DialogicUtil.get_character(eventData.character) var characterName = characterData.get('name', '') if eventData.has('character') and eventData.character == '[All]': characterPrefix = str('Everyone') elif'display_name_bool', false) == true: characterName ='display_name', '') if characterName != '': var charDelimiter = get_parent().settings.get_value('history', 'history_character_delimiter', '') var parsed_name = DialogicParser.parse_definitions(get_parent(), characterName, true, false) var characterColor ='color', Color.white) if (!characterNameColorOn): characterColor = Color.white var lineBreak = '' if (lineBreakAfterName): lineBreak = '\n' characterPrefix = str("[color=",characterColor,"]", parsed_name, "[/color]", charDelimiter, ' ', lineBreak) var audioData = '' if eventData.has('voice_data'): if eventData['voice_data'].has('0'): audioData = eventData['voice_data']['0'].file newHistoryRow.AudioButton.connect('pressed', self, '_on_audio_trigger', [audioData]) # event logging handled here # Text Events if eventData.event_id == 'dialogic_001': newHistoryRow.add_history(str(characterPrefix, eventData.text), audioData) # Character Arrivals elif eventData.event_id == 'dialogic_002': var logText = get_parent().settings.get_value('history', 'text_arrivals', 'has arrived') if eventData.get('type') == 1: logText = get_parent().settings.get_value('history', 'text_exits', 'has left') newHistoryRow.add_history(str(characterPrefix, ' ', logText), audioData) # List Choices elif eventData.event_id == 'dialogic_010': newHistoryRow.add_history(str(characterPrefix, eventData.question), audioData) if eventData.has('options') and get_parent().settings.get_value('history', 'log_choices', true): var choiceString = "\n\t" for choice in eventData['options']: choiceString = str(choiceString, '[', choice.label, ']\t') newHistoryRow.add_history(choiceString, audioData) lastQuestionNode = newHistoryRow func add_answer_to_question(stringData): if lastQuestionNode != null: lastQuestionNode.add_history(str('\n\t', stringData), lastQuestionNode.audioPath) lastQuestionNode = null func change_theme(newTheme: ConfigFile): if get_parent().settings.get_value('history', 'enable_dynamic_theme', false): curTheme = newTheme func load_theme(theme: ConfigFile): curTheme = theme func _on_audio_trigger(audioFilepath): = load(audioFilepath) func _on_HistoryPopup_popup_hide(): HistoryAudio.stop() func _on_HistoryPopup_about_to_show(): if HistoryButton != null: scrollToggle = true func _on_HistoryButton_mouse_entered(): is_mouse_on_button = true func _on_HistoryButton_mouse_exited(): is_mouse_on_button = false func history_advance_block() -> bool: return is_mouse_on_button or is_history_open # Used to manually toggle the history visibility on or off # This is most useful when you wish to make your own custom controls func _on_toggle_history(): if HistoryPopup.visible == false: _on_HistoryPopup_about_to_show() if HistoryButton != null: HistoryButton.hide() HistoryButton.disabled = true if CloseButton != null: CloseButton.disabled = false is_history_open = true is_mouse_on_button = false else: _on_HistoryPopup_popup_hide() HistoryPopup.hide() if HistoryButton != null: HistoryButton.disabled = false if CloseButton != null: CloseButton.disabled = true CloseButton.hide() is_history_open = false is_mouse_on_button = false