{ "events": [ { "call_node": { "arguments": [ "MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE" ], "method_name": "set_mouse_mode", "target_node_path": "Player" }, "event_id": "dialogic_042" }, { "event_id": "dialogic_024", "set_theme": "default-theme.cfg" }, { "condition": "", "definition": "1672784130-787", "event_id": "dialogic_012", "value": "true" }, { "anchor_id": "anchor-1634488067", "event_id": "dialogic_016" }, { "event_id": "dialogic_013" }, { "condition": "!=", "definition": "1667755202-648", "event_id": "dialogic_012", "value": "true" }, { "audio": "play", "audio_bus": "Master", "event_id": "dialogic_030", "event_name": "AudioEvent", "file": "res://assets/audio/neural_scanner_sfx.wav", "volume": -5 }, { "character": "", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "(Your neural scanner blinks. IDENTITY: GUY BRIMLEY. AGE: 29. CONDITION: STABLE)" }, { "character": "character-1667667572.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "This your first time on Recovery Stuart?" }, { "character": "character-1667667572.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "(Brimely nods toward your neural scanner)" }, { "character": "character-1667667572.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "Pretty nifty, huh?" }, { "character": "character-1667667572.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "Name, age, physical condition... Hardly even need to talk to anyone anymore! Heh... heh" }, { "event_id": "dialogic_013" }, { "condition": "", "definition": "1667755202-648", "event_id": "dialogic_012", "value": "true" }, { "audio": "play", "audio_bus": "Master", "event_id": "dialogic_030", "event_name": "AudioEvent", "file": "res://assets/audio/neural_scanner_sfx.wav", "volume": -5 }, { "character": "", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "(Your neural scanner blinks. IDENTITY: GUY BRIMLEY. AGE: 29. CONDITION: STABLE)" }, { "character": "character-1667667572.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "John Stuart right? Nice to... [color=red]meat[/color] you. Heh heh" }, { "character": "character-1667667572.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "The lab rats said you... got sick. Very sick. Took you out for a few days. You look better! Much better than before..." }, { "event_id": "dialogic_013" }, { "character": "character-1667667572.json", "event_id": "dialogic_010", "options": [ ], "portrait": "", "question": "Well then. Are you ready, Stuart? Or do you need a reminder on how to proceed?" }, { "choice": "Remind me", "condition": "", "definition": "", "event_id": "dialogic_011", "value": "" }, { "character": "character-1667667572.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "The data you recovered from the DSV-PRovender's black boxes says the crew went AWOL a few weeks ago" }, { "character": "character-1667667572.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "They ended up in the bore hole at the top of the mountain behind me. You need to head down inside to recover samples" }, { "character": "character-1667667572.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": " Just walk up to a crew member's body to collect a neural scan. The lab rats will use it to clone them back on the homeworld" }, { "character": "character-1667667572.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "As for DNA... er, well. You have your scalpel? Try to cut at least 50 grams of muscle. Oh! And bone is good too" }, { "character": "character-1667667572.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "That's what the lab rats tell me at least" }, { "character": "character-1667667572.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": " Be careful climbing down. Recovery Specialists have augmented joints for heavy impact but they won't save you from a long fall" }, { "character": "character-1667667572.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "If it gets dark, you can toggle your suit's flashlight by pressing (f)/(y). Can't collect a good sample if you're as blind a clone! Heh" }, { "character": "character-1667667572.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "Your scanner is wired to pick up biometric scans. Take it out with (C)/(X) to listen. If it gets louder, you're getting closer" }, { "character": "character-1667667572.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "Also, don't stay in one spot for too long either. My last parter got sucked in. Poor guy. Happy clone though. House and kids. Beautiful wife..." }, { "character": "character-1667667572.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "Anyway..." }, { "choice": "No thanks", "condition": "", "definition": "", "event_id": "dialogic_011", "value": "" }, { "event_id": "dialogic_013" }, { "definition": "1672784130-787", "event_id": "dialogic_014", "operation": "=", "random_upper_limit": 100, "set_random": false, "set_value": "true" }, { "character": "character-1667667572.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "Since you're a rookie, do you want me to enable the gliding function on your suit? " }, { "character": "character-1667667572.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "It makes recovery a breeze. Almost feels nice enough that you forget how much it costs you" }, { "event_id": "dialogic_015", "id": "anchor-1634488067", "index": 0, "name": "glider/briefing" }, { "character": "character-1667667572.json", "event_id": "dialogic_010", "options": [ ], "portrait": "", "question": "Still want the glider? The costs are coming out of your end" }, { "choice": "Yes", "condition": "", "definition": "", "event_id": "dialogic_011", "value": "" }, { "character": "character-1667667572.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "Fine. Hold (Space)/(R1) to slow your fall. Should make climbing down easier" }, { "definition": "1672783730-648", "event_id": "dialogic_014", "operation": "=", "random_upper_limit": 100, "set_random": false, "set_value": "true" }, { "choice": "No", "condition": "", "definition": "", "event_id": "dialogic_011", "value": "" }, { "character": "character-1667667572.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "Brave. Heh. Well, suit yourself" }, { "definition": "1672783730-648", "event_id": "dialogic_014", "operation": "=", "random_upper_limit": 100, "set_random": false, "set_value": "false" }, { "event_id": "dialogic_013" }, { "character": "character-1667667572.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "Try to find samples for as many of the DSV-Provender's crew as you can. But don't come back without a scan of Jackie Voss, the ship's captain" }, { "character": "character-1667667572.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "Word is IngestiCorp will pay top dollar to get her back" }, { "character": "character-1667667572.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "Don’t make me wait for too long, Stuart. This place gives me the creeps" }, { "event_id": "dialogic_022", "transition_duration": 1 } ], "metadata": { "dialogic-version": "1.4.5", "file": "timeline-1667667789.json", "name": "guy_bore" } }