{ "events": [ { "audio": "play", "audio_bus": "Master", "event_id": "dialogic_030", "event_name": "AudioEvent", "file": "res://assets/audio/neural_scanner_sfx.wav", "volume": -5 }, { "character": "", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "(Your neural scanner blinks. IDENTITY: ALEXIS MANOS. AGE: 25. CONDITION: DECEASED)" }, { "character": "character-1667667675.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "(You approach Manos’s body. Her expression seems peaceful, as if she were sleeping)" }, { "character": "character-1667667675.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "(You raise your scalpel and carefully harvest a flesh sample from Manos)" }, { "character": "character-1667667675.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "(Her body trembles and stiffens as if she had been electrocuted back to life)" }, { "emit_signal": "alexis_awaken", "event_id": "dialogic_040" }, { "character": "character-1667767751.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "[shake rate=5 level=10]TEAR YOUR SOUL APART MORE FLESH ON OUR BONES MORE FLESH— [/shake]" }, { "character": "character-1667667675.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "(Her bloodshot eyes meet yours)" }, { "event_id": "dialogic_015", "id": "anchor-1634488067", "index": 0, "name": "Dialog options" }, { "character": "character-1667767751.json", "event_id": "dialogic_010", "options": [ ], "portrait": "", "question": "[wave amp=50 freq=2]JOHN STUART WE HAVE WAITED FOR YOU[/wave]" }, { "choice": "Who are you?", "condition": "", "definition": "", "event_id": "dialogic_011", "value": "" }, { "character": "character-1667767751.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "[wave amp=50 freq=2]I AM A MOUTHPIECE OF THE GREAT SLEEPER[/wave]" }, { "character": "character-1667767751.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "[wave amp=50 freq=2]I AM A SEED PLANTED TO ENSURE HUMANITY’S DESTINY[/wave]" }, { "character": "character-1667767751.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "[wave amp=50 freq=2]AND I AM FREEDOM FROM ENDLESS DESIRE[/wave]" }, { "anchor_id": "anchor-1634488067", "event_id": "dialogic_016" }, { "choice": "You know me?", "condition": "", "definition": "", "event_id": "dialogic_011", "value": "" }, { "character": "character-1667767751.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "[wave amp=50 freq=2]WE KNOW YOU ALL[/wave]" }, { "character": "character-1667767751.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "[wave amp=50 freq=2]WE HAVE WATCHED AND WAITED SINCE YOUR FIRST CALL TO THE BEYOND[/wave]" }, { "character": "character-1667767751.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "[wave amp=50 freq=2]WE HAVE ANSWERED YOUR CALL[/wave]" }, { "character": "character-1667767751.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "[wave amp=50 freq=2]WE WILL BECOME ONE AGAIN[/wave]" }, { "anchor_id": "anchor-1634488067", "event_id": "dialogic_016" }, { "choice": "Listen further", "condition": "", "definition": "", "event_id": "dialogic_011", "value": "" }, { "event_id": "dialogic_013" }, { "character": "character-1667767751.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "[wave amp=50 freq=2]WE HAVE SUCH [color=red]WONDERS[/color] TO SHOW YOU[/wave]" }, { "character": "character-1667767751.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "[wave amp=50 freq=2]YOU CANNOT ESCAPE US FOREVER JOHN STUART. YOU WILL JOIN US ALL IN [color=red]ETERNAL EMBRACE[/color]...[/wave]" }, { "character": "character-1667667675.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "(Manos falls limp) " }, { "emit_signal": "death", "event_id": "dialogic_040" }, { "character": "character-1667667675.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "(A high pitched ringing in your ears becomes so intense that it nearly brings you to your knees)" }, { "character": "character-1667667675.json", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", "text": "(The ringing stops, and you stand up groggily. You feel hungover)" }, { "event_id": "dialogic_022", "transition_duration": 1 } ], "metadata": { "dialogic-version": "1.4.5", "file": "timeline-1667671038.json", "name": "alexis" } }