Player Extras #2

opened 2022-12-08 22:03:52 -07:00 by sjkillen · 0 comments

These things will need to be set after the player controls are finalized

  • Tune the camera FOV changes while moving
  • Tune when the wind sound is played while player is falling
  • Tune how fast the player sinks in a sink block
  • Tune the distance or speed a player has to travel before blood appears on screen when landing
  • Implement respawning (tied to the elevators?)
  • Camera animation when jumping
    • Jump takeoff Too complex with current jumping system
    • Jump landing
  • Varying flashlight brightness (flicker)
These things will need to be set after the player controls are finalized - [x] Tune the camera FOV changes while moving - [x] Tune when the wind sound is played while player is falling - [x] Tune how fast the player sinks in a sink block - [x] Tune the distance or speed a player has to travel before blood appears on screen when landing - [x] Implement respawning (tied to the elevators?) - [x] Camera animation when jumping - [ ] ~~Jump takeoff~~ Too complex with current jumping system - [x] Jump landing - [ ] Varying flashlight brightness (flicker)
sjkillen added this to the Games Den Anthology project 2022-12-08 22:03:52 -07:00
sjkillen added a new dependency 2022-12-08 22:04:22 -07:00
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#1 Finalize Player Controls
Reference: sjkillen/meat_madness_redux#2
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