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"res://.import/Button13.png-bdd5ce03dfb4b19f3445e11943f8091a.stex" ] + +[params] + +compress/mode=0 +compress/lossy_quality=0.7 +compress/hdr_mode=0 +compress/bptc_ldr=0 +compress/normal_map=0 +flags/repeat=0 +flags/filter=true +flags/mipmaps=false +flags/anisotropic=false +flags/srgb=2 +process/fix_alpha_border=true +process/premult_alpha=false +process/HDR_as_SRGB=false +process/invert_color=false +process/normal_map_invert_y=false +stream=false +size_limit=0 +detect_3d=true +svg/scale=1.0 diff --git a/godot/assets/title_theme.tres b/godot/assets/title_theme.tres deleted file mode 100644 index bcc0b2b..0000000 --- a/godot/assets/title_theme.tres +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -[gd_resource type="Theme" load_steps=2 format=2] - -[ext_resource path="res://assets/gratvityfont.tres" type="DynamicFont" id=1] - -[resource] -default_font = ExtResource( 1 ) diff --git a/godot/assets/ui_theme.tres b/godot/assets/ui_theme.tres index bcc0b2b..7173239 100644 --- a/godot/assets/ui_theme.tres +++ b/godot/assets/ui_theme.tres @@ -1,6 +1,38 @@ -[gd_resource type="Theme" load_steps=2 format=2] +[gd_resource type="Theme" load_steps=8 format=2] [ext_resource path="res://assets/gratvityfont.tres" type="DynamicFont" id=1] +[ext_resource path="res://assets/Button01.png" type="Texture" id=2] +[ext_resource path="res://assets/Button03.png" type="Texture" id=3] + +[sub_resource type="StyleBoxTexture" id=1] +texture = ExtResource( 3 ) +region_rect = Rect2( 0, 0, 152, 40 ) +modulate_color = Color( 0.41954, 0.740249, 0.761719, 1 ) + +[sub_resource type="StyleBoxTexture" id=2] +texture = ExtResource( 3 ) +region_rect = Rect2( 0, 0, 152, 40 ) +modulate_color = Color( 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1 ) + +[sub_resource type="StyleBoxTexture" id=3] +texture = ExtResource( 2 ) +region_rect = Rect2( 0, 0, 152, 40 ) + +[sub_resource type="StyleBoxTexture" id=4] +texture = ExtResource( 3 ) +region_rect = Rect2( 0, 0, 152, 40 ) +modulate_color = Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) [resource] default_font = ExtResource( 1 ) +Button/colors/font_color = Color( 0.88, 0.88, 0.88, 1 ) +Button/colors/font_color_disabled = Color( 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.2 ) +Button/colors/font_color_focus = Color( 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 1 ) +Button/colors/font_color_hover = Color( 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 1 ) +Button/colors/font_color_pressed = Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) +Button/constants/hseparation = 2 +Button/styles/disabled = null +Button/styles/focus = SubResource( 1 ) +Button/styles/hover = SubResource( 2 ) +Button/styles/normal = SubResource( 3 ) +Button/styles/pressed = SubResource( 4 ) diff --git a/godot/assets/ui_theme_PauseScreen.tres b/godot/assets/ui_theme_PauseScreen.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..be03a43 --- /dev/null +++ b/godot/assets/ui_theme_PauseScreen.tres @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +[gd_resource type="Theme" load_steps=7 format=2] + +[ext_resource path="res://assets/Button13.png" type="Texture" id=1] +[ext_resource path="res://assets/gratvityfont.tres" type="DynamicFont" id=2] + +[sub_resource type="StyleBoxTexture" id=4] +texture = ExtResource( 1 ) +region_rect = Rect2( 0, 0, 105, 21 ) + +[sub_resource type="StyleBoxTexture" id=2] +texture = ExtResource( 1 ) +region_rect = Rect2( 0, 0, 105, 21 ) +modulate_color = Color( 0.439216, 0.223529, 0.223529, 1 ) + +[sub_resource type="StyleBoxTexture" id=1] +texture = ExtResource( 1 ) +region_rect = Rect2( 0, 0, 105, 21 ) +modulate_color = Color( 0.52549, 0.403922, 0.403922, 1 ) + +[sub_resource type="StyleBoxTexture" id=3] +texture = ExtResource( 1 ) +region_rect = Rect2( 0, 0, 105, 21 ) +modulate_color = Color( 0.266667, 0.266667, 0.266667, 1 ) + +[resource] +Button/colors/font_color = Color( 0.88, 0.88, 0.88, 1 ) +Button/colors/font_color_disabled = Color( 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.2 ) +Button/colors/font_color_focus = Color( 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 1 ) +Button/colors/font_color_hover = Color( 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 1 ) +Button/colors/font_color_pressed = Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) +Button/constants/hseparation = 2 +Button/fonts/font = ExtResource( 2 ) +Button/styles/disabled = null +Button/styles/focus = SubResource( 4 ) +Button/styles/hover = SubResource( 2 ) +Button/styles/normal = SubResource( 1 ) +Button/styles/pressed = SubResource( 3 ) diff --git a/godot/dialogic/timelines/timeline-1667668097.json b/godot/dialogic/timelines/timeline-1667668097.json index c82ba03..f870e01 100644 --- a/godot/dialogic/timelines/timeline-1667668097.json +++ b/godot/dialogic/timelines/timeline-1667668097.json @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ "set_value": "true" }, { - "change_scene": "res://test_with_all.tscn", + "change_scene": "res://tests/test_player_locomotion.tscn", "event_id": "dialogic_041" }, { @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ "value": "true" }, { - "change_scene": "res://test_with_all.tscn", + "change_scene": "res://tests/test_player_locomotion.tscn", "event_id": "dialogic_041" }, { diff --git a/godot/dialogic/timelines/timeline-1667693704.json b/godot/dialogic/timelines/timeline-1667693704.json index 62160e7..2222a9d 100644 --- a/godot/dialogic/timelines/timeline-1667693704.json +++ b/godot/dialogic/timelines/timeline-1667693704.json @@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ "character": "", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", - "text": "Gravity Pixel Font courtesy of John Watson and Sunfire Interactive." + "text": "User interface elements courtesy of John Watson, Wenrexa, and Sunfire Interactive." }, { "character": "", "event_id": "dialogic_001", "portrait": "", - "text": "Background images courtesy of Bacteri." + "text": "Overlays and images courtesy of Bacteri, ZimaJeKKT, hippopx.com, and thispersondoesnotexist.com" }, { "character": "", @@ -24,24 +24,6 @@ "portrait": "", "text": "Sounds courtesy of Dryoma and VOiD1 Gaming." }, - { - "character": "", - "event_id": "dialogic_001", - "portrait": "", - "text": "Overlays courtesy of ZimaJeKKT." - }, - { - "character": "", - "event_id": "dialogic_001", - "portrait": "", - "text": "All photos of people from thispersondoesnotexist.com." - }, - { - "character": "", - "event_id": "dialogic_001", - "portrait": "", - "text": "Stock photos from www.hippopx.com." - }, { "event_id": "dialogic_022", "transition_duration": 0 diff --git a/godot/screens/EndScreen.tscn b/godot/screens/EndScreen.tscn index 38d8234..0edc8b1 100644 --- a/godot/screens/EndScreen.tscn +++ b/godot/screens/EndScreen.tscn @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -[gd_scene load_steps=7 format=2] +[gd_scene load_steps=8 format=2] [ext_resource path="res://assets/audio/human-impact-on-ground-6982.mp3" type="AudioStream" id=1] [ext_resource path="res://assets/Background_space.png" type="Texture" id=2] @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ [ext_resource path="res://screens/death.gd" type="Script" id=4] [ext_resource path="res://assets/ui_theme.tres" type="Theme" id=5] [ext_resource path="res://effects/grainy_shader.tscn" type="PackedScene" id=6] +[ext_resource path="res://assets/title_font.tres" type="DynamicFont" id=7] [node name="EndScreen" type="Control"] anchor_right = 1.0 @@ -21,32 +22,33 @@ stretch_mode = 1 [node name="Menu" type="VBoxContainer" parent="."] anchor_left = 0.5 -anchor_top = 1.0 +anchor_top = 0.5 anchor_right = 0.5 -anchor_bottom = 1.0 -margin_left = -133.0 -margin_top = -253.0 -margin_right = 134.0 -margin_bottom = -53.0 +anchor_bottom = 0.5 +margin_left = -104.0 +margin_top = 46.0 +margin_right = 104.0 +margin_bottom = 244.0 +theme = ExtResource( 5 ) [node name="RetryButton" type="Button" parent="Menu"] -margin_right = 267.0 -margin_bottom = 42.0 +margin_right = 208.0 +margin_bottom = 36.0 focus_neighbour_bottom = NodePath("../MenuButton") text = "Retry" [node name="MenuButton" type="Button" parent="Menu"] -margin_top = 46.0 -margin_right = 267.0 -margin_bottom = 88.0 +margin_top = 40.0 +margin_right = 208.0 +margin_bottom = 76.0 focus_neighbour_top = NodePath("../RetryButton") focus_neighbour_bottom = NodePath("../QuitButton") text = "Main Menu" [node name="QuitButton" type="Button" parent="Menu"] -margin_top = 92.0 -margin_right = 267.0 -margin_bottom = 134.0 +margin_top = 80.0 +margin_right = 208.0 +margin_bottom = 116.0 focus_neighbour_top = NodePath("../MenuButton") focus_neighbour_bottom = NodePath("../PlayButton") text = "Quit" @@ -72,6 +74,22 @@ stream = ExtResource( 3 ) [node name="shader" parent="." instance=ExtResource( 6 )] +[node name="Title" type="Label" parent="."] +anchor_left = 0.5 +anchor_top = 0.5 +anchor_right = 0.5 +anchor_bottom = 0.5 +margin_left = -342.0 +margin_top = -135.0 +margin_right = 342.0 +margin_bottom = -71.0 +custom_colors/font_color = Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) +custom_colors/font_outline_modulate = Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) +custom_constants/shadow_offset_x = 10 +custom_fonts/font = ExtResource( 7 ) +text = "MEAT MADNESS" +align = 1 + [connection signal="pressed" from="Menu/RetryButton" to="." method="_on_RetryButton_pressed"] [connection signal="pressed" from="Menu/MenuButton" to="." method="_on_MenuButton_pressed"] [connection signal="pressed" from="Menu/QuitButton" to="." method="_on_QuitButton_pressed"] diff --git a/godot/screens/PauseScreen.gd b/godot/screens/PauseScreen.gd index c9c5f21..f6eddac 100644 --- a/godot/screens/PauseScreen.gd +++ b/godot/screens/PauseScreen.gd @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ func _on_ResumeButton_pressed(): func _on_MainMenuButton_pressed(): get_tree().paused = false - var _a = get_tree().change_scene("res://Screens/TitleScreen.tscn") + var _a = get_tree().change_scene("res://screens/TitleScreen.tscn") func _on_ControlsButton_pressed(): diff --git a/godot/screens/PauseScreen.tscn b/godot/screens/PauseScreen.tscn index 9eed2fb..2c94dfe 100644 --- a/godot/screens/PauseScreen.tscn +++ b/godot/screens/PauseScreen.tscn @@ -1,13 +1,15 @@ -[gd_scene load_steps=4 format=2] +[gd_scene load_steps=5 format=2] [ext_resource path="res://assets/blackbackground.png" type="Texture" id=1] [ext_resource path="res://assets/ui_theme.tres" type="Theme" id=2] [ext_resource path="res://screens/PauseScreen.gd" type="Script" id=3] +[ext_resource path="res://assets/ui_theme_PauseScreen.tres" type="Theme" id=4] [node name="PauseScreen" type="Control"] pause_mode = 2 anchor_right = 1.0 anchor_bottom = 1.0 +theme = ExtResource( 4 ) script = ExtResource( 3 ) [node name="pauseBackground" type="TextureRect" parent="."] @@ -19,52 +21,47 @@ stretch_mode = 1 [node name="CenterContainer" type="CenterContainer" parent="."] anchor_right = 1.0 anchor_bottom = 1.0 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) [node name="VBoxContainer" type="VBoxContainer" parent="CenterContainer"] -margin_left = 312.0 -margin_top = 146.0 -margin_right = 712.0 -margin_bottom = 454.0 -theme = ExtResource( 2 ) +margin_left = 408.0 +margin_top = 193.0 +margin_right = 616.0 +margin_bottom = 407.0 +theme = ExtResource( 4 ) custom_constants/separation = 10 -[node name="Label" type="Label" parent="CenterContainer/VBoxContainer"] -margin_right = 400.0 -margin_bottom = 36.0 -text = "Paused" -align = 1 - [node name="Spacer" type="Control" parent="CenterContainer/VBoxContainer"] -margin_top = 46.0 -margin_right = 400.0 -margin_bottom = 76.0 +margin_right = 208.0 +margin_bottom = 30.0 rect_min_size = Vector2( 1, 30 ) [node name="ResumeButton" type="Button" parent="CenterContainer/VBoxContainer"] -margin_top = 86.0 -margin_right = 400.0 -margin_bottom = 136.0 -rect_min_size = Vector2( 400, 50 ) +margin_top = 40.0 +margin_right = 208.0 +margin_bottom = 76.0 +rect_min_size = Vector2( 208, 36 ) text = "Resume" [node name="MainMenuButton" type="Button" parent="CenterContainer/VBoxContainer"] -margin_top = 146.0 -margin_right = 400.0 -margin_bottom = 196.0 -rect_min_size = Vector2( 400, 50 ) +margin_top = 86.0 +margin_right = 208.0 +margin_bottom = 122.0 +rect_min_size = Vector2( 208, 36 ) text = "Main Menu" [node name="ControlsButton" type="Button" parent="CenterContainer/VBoxContainer"] -margin_top = 206.0 -margin_right = 400.0 -margin_bottom = 248.0 +margin_top = 132.0 +margin_right = 208.0 +margin_bottom = 168.0 +rect_min_size = Vector2( 208, 36 ) text = "Controls" [node name="QuitButton" type="Button" parent="CenterContainer/VBoxContainer"] -margin_top = 258.0 -margin_right = 400.0 -margin_bottom = 308.0 -rect_min_size = Vector2( 400, 50 ) +margin_top = 178.0 +margin_right = 208.0 +margin_bottom = 214.0 +rect_min_size = Vector2( 208, 36 ) text = "Quit" [connection signal="pressed" from="CenterContainer/VBoxContainer/ResumeButton" to="." method="_on_ResumeButton_pressed"] diff --git a/godot/screens/TitleScreen.tscn b/godot/screens/TitleScreen.tscn index 1419e48..b87de02 100644 --- a/godot/screens/TitleScreen.tscn +++ b/godot/screens/TitleScreen.tscn @@ -49,25 +49,25 @@ custom_constants/separation = 10 [node name="PlayButton" type="Button" parent="ButtonContainer"] margin_right = 208.0 -margin_bottom = 42.0 +margin_bottom = 36.0 text = "Play" [node name="Credits" type="Button" parent="ButtonContainer"] -margin_top = 52.0 +margin_top = 46.0 margin_right = 208.0 -margin_bottom = 94.0 +margin_bottom = 82.0 text = "Credits" [node name="Controls" type="Button" parent="ButtonContainer"] -margin_top = 104.0 +margin_top = 92.0 margin_right = 208.0 -margin_bottom = 146.0 +margin_bottom = 128.0 text = "Controls" [node name="QuitButton" type="Button" parent="ButtonContainer"] -margin_top = 156.0 +margin_top = 138.0 margin_right = 208.0 -margin_bottom = 198.0 +margin_bottom = 174.0 text = "Quit" [node name="BlackoutScreen" type="CanvasLayer" parent="."] diff --git a/godot/screens/death.gd b/godot/screens/death.gd index 181fdd7..a5aea6f 100644 --- a/godot/screens/death.gd +++ b/godot/screens/death.gd @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ func _on_RetryButton_pressed(): pass # Replace with function body. func _on_MenuButton_pressed(): - var _err = get_tree().change_scene("res://screens/title.tscn") + var _err = get_tree().change_scene("res://screens/TitleScreen.tscn") func _on_QuitButton_pressed(): get_tree().quit() diff --git a/godot/screens/title.gd b/godot/screens/title.gd index 9a6d475..45fe2f1 100644 --- a/godot/screens/title.gd +++ b/godot/screens/title.gd @@ -10,12 +10,14 @@ func _on_PlayButton_pressed(): $BlackoutScreen.visible = true func _on_Credits_pressed(): - pass # Replace with function body. - + var dialog = Dialogic.start("credits") + add_child(dialog) + dialog.connect("tree_exiting", self, "controls_done") func _on_Controls_pressed(): - pass # Replace with function body. - + var dialog = Dialogic.start("controls") + add_child(dialog) + dialog.connect("tree_exiting", self, "controls_done") func _on_QuitButton_pressed(): get_tree().quit()