This commit is contained in:
Spencer Killen 2024-11-22 18:13:14 -07:00
parent 70bc640443
commit 323f496b1f
Signed by: sjkillen
GPG Key ID: 3AF3117BA6FBB75B
8 changed files with 204 additions and 14 deletions

betastable/Makefile Normal file
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all: report.pdf
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latexmk -f -e '$$max_repeat=10' -pdf $<
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latexmk -C

betastable/report.out Normal file
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betastable/report.tex Normal file
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\title{Consistent n-Approximators ($\beta$)}
\AnNdaoO is a $\langle \lte, \lte \rangle$-\Monotone function $o: \LL^2 \rightarrow \powersetO(\LL^2)$ s.t.\ for any $x \in \LL^2$
\item $o(x, x)_1 = o(x, x)_2$
\AnNdaoO is {\em extra consistent} if for every $\lte$-\Prefixpoint $y$ of $o(x, \cdot)_2$, $x \lte y$.
What about the bottom half does it matter?
\begin{lemma}[From Heyninck]
\AnNdaoO is consistent, for every $(x, y)$, $o(x, y)_1 \times o(x, y)_2$ contains at least one consistent pair.
Regular stable revision
S(o)(x, y)_1 \define \minLattice_{\lte}(\fixpointsOf(o(\cdot, y))) \\
S(o)(x, y)_2 \define \minLattice_{\lte}(\fixpointsOf(o(x, \cdot)))
"beta" stable revision
S(o)(x, y)_2 \define \minLattice_{\lte}(\fixpointsOf(o(x, \cdot)) \setminus ((y \downclosure) \setminus (x \upclosure)))
For an extra consistent \Ndao $o$, regular stable revision is equivalent to beta stable revision
SHowing without ultra consistency
o(x, y) \define (\{ \bot \}, \{ \bot \})
below properties don't hold
Works fo rdouble sided ordering
Given \AnNdaoO $o: \LL^2 \rightarrow \powersetO(\L)^2$ that is \Monotone from $\lte_p^2$ to $<_p^2$,\ we have for any consistent pair $(x, y) \in \LL^2$,
o(x, y) \lte_p^2 (o(x, y)_2, o(x, y)_1)
This probably needs double sides :()
Given an \Ndao $o$, if $y$ is a \Prefixpoint of $o(x, \cdot)_2$, then for some $y' \in o(x, \cdot)_2$, we have
$x \lte y' \lte y$.
% iven an \gls{ndao} $o$, its {\em $\beta$-n-stable fixpoints} are fixpoints of the following
% \begin{align*}
% B^o_{high}(x) &\define \{ a ~|~ a \in o({x}, a), \neg \exists a',
% \\ &\hspace{1.5cm}(\boxed{x \preceq_{}}~ a' \prec_{} a) \land (a' \in o({x}, a))) \}\\
% S(o)(x, y) &\define (C^{o}_{low}(y), B^{o}_{high}(x))
% \end{align*}}
% \newcommand{\betastablefixpoint}{\hyperlink{glossary:betastablefixpoint}{$\beta$-stable fixpoint}}
% \newglossaryentry{betastablefixpoint}{
% name={$\beta$-stable fixpoint},
% description={
% An \gls{interpretation} $(T, P)$ is a {\em $\alpha$-stable fixpoint} (or a $\beta$-stable fixpoint) if it is a \gls{fixpoint} of some $h \in H$ and for each $h' \in H$, none of the following hold
% \begin{enumerate}[(i.)]
% \item $\stablerevisionoperator(h')(T, P)_1 \prec_{} T$,
% \item ($\alpha$-stable only)~$\stablerevisionoperator(h')(T, P)_2 \prec_{} P$, nor
% \item ($\beta$-stable only) $\exists Z \in \L, T \preceq_{} (h'(T, Z)_2 = Z) \prec_{} P$
% \end{enumerate}
% }}

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@ -1,21 +1,45 @@
\newcommand{\definition}[2]{\hypertarget{glossary:#1}{#2}} \newcommand{\definitionBody}[2]{\hypertarget{glossary:#1}{#2}}
\newcommand{\definitionLink}[2]{\hyperlink{glossary:#1}{#2}\xspace} \newcommand{\definitionLink}[2]{\hyperlink{glossary:#1}{#2}\xspace}
\newcommand{\Monotone}{\definitionLink{monotone}{monotone}} \newcommand{\Monotone}{\definitionLink{monotone}{monotone}}
\newcommand{\Image}{\definitionLink{image}{monotone}} \newcommand{\Image}{\definitionLink{image}{monotone}}
\let\imageNoLink\image \let\imageNoLink\image{}
\renewcommand{\image}[1]{\imageNoLink{#1}} \renewcommand{\image}[1]{\imageNoLink{#1}}
\let\lubNoLink\lub \let\lubNoLink\lub{}
\renewcommand{\lub}{\definitionLink{lubglb}{\lubNoLink}} \renewcommand{\lub}{\definitionLink{lubglb}{\lubNoLink}}
\let\glbNoLink\glb \let\glbNoLink\glb{}
\renewcommand{\glb}{\definitionLink{lubglb}{\glbNoLink}} \renewcommand{\glb}{\definitionLink{lubglb}{\glbNoLink}}
\newcommand{\CompleteLattice}{\definitionLink{completelattice}{complete lattice}} \newcommand{\CompleteLattice}{\definitionLink{completelattice}{complete lattice}}
\let\topNoLink\top \let\topNoLink\top{}
\renewcommand{\top}{\definitionLink{topbot}{\topNoLink}} \renewcommand{\top}{\definitionLink{topbot}{\topNoLink}}
\let\botNoLink\bot \let\botNoLink\bot{}
\renewcommand{\bot}{\definitionLink{topbot}{\botNoLink}} \renewcommand{\bot}{\definitionLink{topbot}{\botNoLink}}
\let\fixpointsOfNoLink\fixpointsOf{} \let\fixpointsOfNoLink\fixpointsOf{}
\renewcommand{\fixpointsOf}{\definitionLink{fixpointsOf}{\fixpointsOfNoLink}} \renewcommand{\fixpointsOf}{\definitionLink{fixpointsOf}{\fixpointsOfNoLink}}
\newcommand{\AnNdao}{an \definitionLink{ndao}{ndao}}
\newcommand{\AnNdaoO}{An \definitionLink{ndao}{ndao}}

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@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
\newcommand{\fixpointsOf}{\textbf{\textit{fix}}} \newcommand{\fixpointsOf}{\textbf{\textit{fix}}}
\renewcommand{\L}{\mathcal{L}} \newcommand{\LL}{\mathcal{L}}
\newcommand{\lte}{\preceq} \newcommand{\lte}{\preceq}
\newcommand{\image}[1]{[#1]} \newcommand{\image}[1]{[#1]}
\newcommand{\define}{\coloneqq} \newcommand{\define}{\coloneqq}
\newcommand{\union}{\cup} \newcommand{\union}{\cup}
\newcommand{\glb}{\bigwedge} \newcommand{\glb}{\bigwedge}
\newcommand{\lub}{\bigvee} \newcommand{\lub}{\bigvee}

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\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.1}{\376\377\000B\000a\000c\000k\000g\000r\000o\000u\000n\000d}{}% 1
\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.2}{\376\377\000C\000o\000n\000t\000e\000n\000t}{}% 2

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\usepackage{amsthm} \usepackage{amsthm}
\usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amsmath}
\usepackage{mathtools} \usepackage{mathtools}
\newcommand{\jh}[1]{{\leavevmode\color{blue!50!red}#1}} \usepackage{hyperref}
\input{notation.tex} \input{notation.tex}
\input{glossary.tex} \input{glossary.tex}
@ -23,18 +30,17 @@
% \maketitle % \maketitle
\definition{monotone}{define monotone}
\definition{image}{define set image}
\definition{lubglb}{define glb and lub}
\definition{topbot}{define $\top$ and $\bot$}
\definition{completelattice}{define complete lattice}
Hello world\cite{tarskilatticetheoretical1955} Hello world\cite{tarskilatticetheoretical1955}
First, we generalize Knaster-Tarski Fixpoint Theorem. First, we generalize Knaster-Tarski Fixpoint Theorem.
\begin{theorem}[Tarski-Knaster Fixpoint Theorem~\cite{tarskilatticetheoretical1955}]\label{tarskitheorem} \begin{theorem}[Tarski-Knaster Fixpoint Theorem~\cite{tarskilatticetheoretical1955}]\label{tarskitheorem}
For a \Monotone function $o$ over a \CompleteLattice $\langle \L, \lte \rangle$, we have that $\langle \fixpointsOf(o), \lte \rangle$ is a \CompleteLattice. For a \Monotone function $o$ over a \CompleteLattice $\langle \L, \lte \rangle$, we have that $\langle \fixpointsOf(o), \lte \rangle$ is a \CompleteLattice.
\end{theorem} \end{theorem}

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\definition{powerset}{Given a set $S$, we denote its powerset, i.e.\ $\{ x \subseteq S \}$ with $\powerset(S)$. We use $\powersetO(S)$ to denote the powerset of $S$ without the empty set.}
We call $\langle S, \lte \rangle$ a {\em poset} (a partially ordered set) if $\lte$ is reflexive, transitive and antisymmetric.
\definition{lubglb}{An element is an {\em upper or lower bound} of a subset $S$ of a \Poset if it is greater than or equal or less than or equal, respectively, to every element inside $S$.}
\definition{completelattice}{A {\em complete lattice} is a \Poset $\langle \LL, \lte \rangle$ s.t.\ every subset $S$ of $\LL$ has a unique greatest lower bound $\glb^{\LL} S$ and least upper bound $\lub^{\LL} S$}
\definition{topbot}{We use $\top^{\LL}$ and $\bot^{\LL}$ to denote $\lub^{\LL} \LL$ and $\glb^{\LL} \LL$ respectively.}
\definition{monotone}{A function $f: A \rightarrow B$ is {\em monotone} w.r.t. the orderings $\langle A, \lteSub{A} \rangle$ and $\langle B, \lteSub{B} \rangle$ if for all $a_1, a_2 \in A$, $a_1 \lte a_2$ implies $f(a_1) \lte f(a_2)$}
\definition{image}{Given a function $f: A \rightarrow B$, we use $f[A]$ to denote the {\em image of $f$} w.r.t.\ $A$, i.e.\ the set $\{ f(a) ~|~ a \in A \} \subseteq B$.
With abuse to notation, when given a set of functions $F$, we write $\bigcup \{ f\image{A} ~|~ f \in F \}$ as $F\image{A}$.}