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2022-11-26 16:22:17 -07:00
- The alembic format serves as a good way to bake mesh data with lots of modifiers
- This script will convert mesh animations to shapekeys. Digusting, but it just might work
Code reproduced below for archival purposes
- Enable the .mdd addon in blender to export as a mesh cache
- It might work as a direct export to .mdd, but I did alembic first, then rexported to mdd
- Create new object with same mesh and empty modifier stack and add a mesh cache modifier to load exported file.
# Authored by iFire#6518 and alexfreyre#1663
# This code ONLY apply to a mesh and simulations with ONLY the same vertex number
import bpy
#Converts a MeshCache or Cloth modifiers to ShapeKeys
frame = bpy.context.scene.frame_start
for frame in range(bpy.context.scene.frame_end + 1):
bpy.context.scene.frame_current = frame
#for alembic files converted to MDD and loaded as MeshCache
bpy.ops.object.modifier_apply_as_shapekey(keep_modifier=True, modifier="MeshCache")
#for cloth simulations inside blender using a Cloth modifier
#bpy.ops.object.modifier_apply_as_shapekey(keep_modifier=True, modifier="Cloth")
# loop through shapekeys and add as keyframe per frame
frame = bpy.context.scene.frame_start
for frame in range(bpy.context.scene.frame_end + 1):
bpy.context.scene.frame_current = frame
for shapekey in
for i, keyblock in enumerate(shapekey.key_blocks):
if != "Basis":
curr = i - 1
if curr != frame:
keyblock.value = 0
keyblock.keyframe_insert("value", frame=frame)
keyblock.value = 1
keyblock.keyframe_insert("value", frame=frame)
# bpy.ops.object.modifier_remove(modifier="MeshCache")
# bpy.ops.object.modifier_remove(modifier="Cloth")