[gd_scene load_steps=10 format=3 uid="uid://ctginaw0hfnwu"] [ext_resource type="Script" path="res://UI/MenuScreen.gd" id="1_pvf1f"] [ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://dxxd258q3uomg" path="res://UI/Play.png" id="1_r8ube"] [ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://brtraq11vg3ss" path="res://UI/People.png" id="2_wj8wl"] [ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://do15srmaxqmf1" path="res://UI/Question-Mark.png" id="4_8vqpy"] [ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://cgr1apo42wg2o" path="res://UI/slimeoosoddysseytitle.png" id="4_up0xh"] [ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://hq03cymvfxmf" path="res://UI/Message.png" id="6_50s2p"] [ext_resource type="FontFile" uid="uid://wm2ggo0ajyms" path="res://UI/m5x7.ttf" id="7_gcmr4"] [sub_resource type="StyleBoxTexture" id="StyleBoxTexture_wvvfv"] texture = ExtResource("6_50s2p") [sub_resource type="Theme" id="Theme_v4igf"] Panel/styles/panel = SubResource("StyleBoxTexture_wvvfv") [node name="MenuScreen" type="Control"] layout_mode = 3 anchors_preset = 15 anchor_right = 1.0 anchor_bottom = 1.0 grow_horizontal = 2 grow_vertical = 2 script = ExtResource("1_pvf1f") [node name="CenterContainer" type="CenterContainer" parent="."] layout_mode = 1 anchors_preset = 8 anchor_left = 0.5 anchor_top = 0.5 anchor_right = 0.5 anchor_bottom = 0.5 offset_left = -272.0 offset_top = 25.0 offset_right = 282.0 offset_bottom = 173.0 grow_horizontal = 2 grow_vertical = 2 [node name="HBoxContainer" type="HBoxContainer" parent="CenterContainer"] layout_mode = 2 theme_override_constants/separation = 75 alignment = 1 [node name="CreditsButton" type="Button" parent="CenterContainer/HBoxContainer"] process_mode = 3 texture_filter = 1 layout_mode = 2 focus_neighbor_left = NodePath("../ControlsButton") focus_neighbor_right = NodePath("../PlayButton") focus_next = NodePath("../PlayButton") theme_override_constants/outline_size = 1 theme_override_constants/h_separation = 0 theme_override_constants/icon_max_width = 0 text = " " icon = ExtResource("2_wj8wl") flat = true icon_alignment = 1 [node name="PlayButton" type="Button" parent="CenterContainer/HBoxContainer"] process_mode = 3 texture_filter = 1 layout_mode = 2 focus_neighbor_left = NodePath("../CreditsButton") focus_neighbor_right = NodePath("../ControlsButton") focus_next = NodePath("../ControlsButton") text = " " icon = ExtResource("1_r8ube") flat = true icon_alignment = 1 [node name="ControlsButton" type="Button" parent="CenterContainer/HBoxContainer"] process_mode = 3 texture_filter = 1 layout_mode = 2 focus_neighbor_left = NodePath("../PlayButton") focus_neighbor_right = NodePath("../CreditsButton") focus_next = NodePath("../CreditsButton") theme_override_constants/outline_size = 1 theme_override_constants/h_separation = 0 theme_override_constants/icon_max_width = 0 text = " " icon = ExtResource("4_8vqpy") flat = true icon_alignment = 1 [node name="Title" type="Sprite2D" parent="CenterContainer"] texture_filter = 1 position = Vector2(272, -209) scale = Vector2(1.07022, 1.71176) texture = ExtResource("4_up0xh") [node name="Credits" type="Panel" parent="."] visible = false layout_mode = 1 anchors_preset = 8 anchor_left = 0.5 anchor_top = 0.5 anchor_right = 0.5 anchor_bottom = 0.5 offset_left = -224.0 offset_top = -104.0 offset_right = -24.0 offset_bottom = 96.0 grow_horizontal = 2 grow_vertical = 2 scale = Vector2(0.75, 0.75) theme = SubResource("Theme_v4igf") [node name="RichTextLabel" type="RichTextLabel" parent="Credits"] texture_filter = 1 custom_minimum_size = Vector2(200, 200) layout_mode = 0 offset_left = 8.0 offset_top = 24.0 offset_right = 208.0 offset_bottom = 224.0 theme_override_colors/default_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1) theme_override_colors/font_outline_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1) theme_override_fonts/normal_font = ExtResource("7_gcmr4") theme_override_font_sizes/normal_font_size = 32 text = "Created by dukegoobler, Noodle1234, and km__k" scroll_active = false autowrap_mode = 2 [node name="About" type="Panel" parent="."] visible = false layout_mode = 1 anchors_preset = 8 anchor_left = 0.5 anchor_top = 0.5 anchor_right = 0.5 anchor_bottom = 0.5 offset_left = 136.0 offset_top = -104.0 offset_right = 436.0 offset_bottom = 96.0 grow_horizontal = 2 grow_vertical = 2 scale = Vector2(0.75, 0.75) theme = SubResource("Theme_v4igf") [node name="RichTextLabel" type="RichTextLabel" parent="About"] texture_filter = 1 custom_minimum_size = Vector2(300, 200) layout_mode = 0 offset_left = 10.6667 offset_top = 32.0 offset_right = 310.667 offset_bottom = 232.0 theme_override_colors/default_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1) theme_override_colors/font_outline_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1) theme_override_fonts/normal_font = ExtResource("7_gcmr4") theme_override_font_sizes/normal_font_size = 32 text = "> Walk with WASD > Mouse to look around > Space to pick up slimes > E or 1 to make sounds " autowrap_mode = 1 [connection signal="pressed" from="CenterContainer/HBoxContainer/CreditsButton" to="." method="_on_credits_button_pressed"] [connection signal="pressed" from="CenterContainer/HBoxContainer/PlayButton" to="." method="_on_play_button_pressed"] [connection signal="pressed" from="CenterContainer/HBoxContainer/ControlsButton" to="." method="_on_controls_button_pressed"]