extends SharedSlime class_name Villager # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready(): pass # Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. func _process(_delta): location_xz = transform.origin * Vector3(1, 0, 1) direction_xz = (transform.basis * Vector3(1, 0, 1)).normalized() match task: "idle": idle() task = rng.randf_range(0, 100) # 3% chance to walk somewhere. if task <= walk_chance: task = "walk" target_location_xz = transform.origin * Vector3(1, 0, 1) + (direction_xz * 4) # 6% chance to rotate. elif task > walk_chance and task <= (walk_chance + spin_chance): task = "spin" var rotation_angle = rng.randf_range(-2*PI, 2*PI) var rotation_vector = Vector3(cos(rotation_angle), 0, sin(rotation_angle)) target_direction_xz = direction_xz + rotation_vector # 90% chance to idle. elif task > (spin_chance + walk_chance): task = "idle" "walk": walk() # Get the direction to the target in z-x plane. target_direction_xz = (location_xz.direction_to(target_location_xz) * Vector3(1, 0, 1)).normalized() # Continue to correct direction to within a margin of dir_accuracy degrees. if direction_xz.angle_to(target_direction_xz) >= dir_accuracy: # Rotate towards destination at specified percentage rate. rotate_y(direction_xz.angle_to(target_direction_xz) * dir_correction_rate) if location_xz.distance_to(target_location_xz) <= (Vector2(direction_xz.x, direction_xz.z) * walk_speed).length(): target_direction_xz = direction_xz target_location_xz = location_xz task = "idle" "spin": # Continue to correct direction to within a margin of dir_accuracy degrees. if direction_xz.angle_to(target_direction_xz) >= dir_accuracy: # Rotate towards destination at specified percentage rate. rotate_y(direction_xz.angle_to(target_direction_xz) * dir_correction_rate) else: task = "idle" func _physics_process(delta): # Add the gravity. if not is_on_floor(): velocity.y -= gravity * delta # Walk to target location. if (location_xz.distance_to(target_location_xz) > walk_speed) and task == "walk": velocity.x = direction_xz.x * walk_speed velocity.z = direction_xz.z * walk_speed else: velocity.x = 0 velocity.z = 0 move_and_slide()